Patriot Act author says Verizon snooping violates the law

Angry, is when you realise (or deny the reality) you vote for a lying POS... Congrats on another great diversion from the issue at hand...


Politicians lie! Doesn't matter if they're Democrat or Republican. We're all voting for lairs. I bet you voted for Bush 2x? Don't lie I know you did. Mr. "Weapons of Mass Destruction Iraq" himself. How many American soldiers have had to and will continue to die, be tortured, beheaded, and maimed over that lie? Republicans have nothing to offer other than hate and intolerance for anyone who does look or think like them... End of story! You all are a dying breed and more and more Americans are starting to realize it and are getting tired of it. That is why you all have and will continue to lose elections. Now how about you "realise" or "deny" that reality.

Anger is when you're still crying and are butt hurt over getting your asses handed to you in an election that ended many months ago... Pull your panties out of your behind, change your tampon, and get over it already.

Politicians lie! Doesn't matter if they're Democrat or Republican. We're all voting for lairs. I bet you voted for Bush 2x? Don't lie I know you did. Mr. "Weapons of Mass Destruction Iraq" himself. How many American soldiers have had to and will continue to die, be tortured, beheaded, and maimed over that lie? Republicans have nothing to offer other than hate and intolerance for anyone who does look or think like them... End of story! You all are a dying breed and more and more Americans are starting to realize it and are getting tired of it. That is why you all have and will continue to lose elections. Now how about you "realise" or "deny" that reality.

Anger is when you're still crying and are butt hurt over getting your asses handed to you in an election that ended many months ago... Pull your panties out of your behind, change your tampon, and get over it already.

Another epic fail of a post, hit and miss... I bet you voted for Obama twice... Anyway please keep telling me how much better democraps are to republicunts while also voting for the "lesser of two evils"... The one big sandy ignorant vagina you have there woman....

Another epic fail of a post, hit and miss... I bet you voted for Obama twice... Anyway please keep telling me how much better democraps are to republicunts while also voting for the "lesser of two evils"... The one big sandy ignorant vagina you have there woman....

Keep posting meaningless crap and retarded photos while not saying or giving any rebuttals at all to prove me wrong lol... That's the best you can do huh?
Keep posting meaningless crap and retarded photos while not saying or giving any rebuttals at all to prove me wrong lol... That's the best you can do huh?

You're making some great ASSumptions there Paris... Don't come into a thread without a fucking a clue while you prove not everyone can read... You cannot see past the left/right paradigm as demonstrated in your posts thus far.... add ironic failure to the list there ms Hilton.
You're making some great ASSumptions there Paris... Don't come into a thread without a fucking a clue while you prove not everyone can read... You cannot see past the left/right paradigm as demonstrated in your posts thus far.... add ironic failure to the list there ms Hilton.

The problem isn't that I can not read, but it's that you aren't saying anything... What no childish photo this time? Just another empty comment claiming I'm wrong while offering nothing to back it up followed up by an elementary insult?
Another epic fail of a post, hit and miss... I bet you voted for Obama twice... Anyway please keep telling me how much better democraps are to republicunts while also voting for the "lesser of two evils"... The one big sandy ignorant vagina you have there woman....

are you ever going to actually contribute something to a conversation, or are you just gonna persist in being the forum's angriest little virgin ever?
are you ever going to actually contribute something to a conversation, or are you just gonna persist in being the forum's angriest little virgin ever?

39,319 posts in 3 years equalling 13,106 posts per year, 1092 posts per month or 35 posts per day and counting and you're asking me? This must be more of this intellect you keep describing to everyone...

the bitter, angry virgin did some meaningless math and posted a picture.

heavens to betsy, whatever would we do without this guy?
the bitter, angry virgin did some meaningless math and posted a picture.

heavens to betsy, whatever would we do without this guy?

whatever would we do without your race baiting double standards? Thank dog your trolling is educational and on point... Keep the virgin inferences coming it says more about you, man hands and alternate reality you live in...
whatever would we do without your race baiting double standards? Thank dog your trolling is educational and on point... Keep the virgin inferences coming it says more about you, man hands and alternate reality you live in...

i'll keep my reply at about your level.



i'll keep my reply at about your level.




Jimmies are a rustling hey??.... Don't confuse people that work for a living with hobos like yourself that'll take a shot in the mouth from daddy-in-law to pay the rent... Must be a welcome change from the bushpig you're paid to please...
Jimmies are a rustling hey??.... Don't confuse people that work for a living with hobos like yourself that'll take a shot in the mouth from daddy-in-law to pay the rent... Must be a welcome change from the bushpig you're paid to please...

too bad for you others on this site have seen pictures of my wife, and they put to shame any walrus you've ever stalked.

for the civility of this forum, i beg and plead that you go get laid.
too bad for you others on this site have seen pictures of my wife, and they put to shame any walrus you've ever stalked.

for the civility of this forum, i beg and plead that you go get laid.

Just that you say that, shows you're a little insecure about the fat old man hands you're made to fuck. If her face looks anything like her hands, god help you...

Interesting you compare your wife to a walrus though then talk about needing to get laid... Here's a bag that could help you get over her face thought you'd especially like the shape, in light of considerations you need to make...

The NSA has been doing this for 50 years. Only difference now is capability due to cheaper data storage and faster computers. It isnt right. And I would think if anyone can understand the concept it would be the guy who gave himself the nickname "echelon". The only difference the Patriot act made was the fact that now the NSA does'nt defer the snooping on americans to allied countries like Britain or Australia.

At one time just to make it legal, the NSA had the telecoms rout calls thru Canada and back into the USA just to make them international enough to "legally" get the time, destination and info from them
The NSA has been doing this for 50 years. Only difference now is capability due to cheaper data storage and faster computers. It isnt right. And I would think if anyone can understand the concept it would be the guy who gave himself the nickname "echelon". The only difference the Patriot act made was the fact that now the NSA does'nt defer the snooping on americans to allied countries like Britain or Australia.
At one time just to make it legal, the NSA had the telecoms rout calls thru Canada and back into the USA just to make them international enough to "legally" get the time, destination and info from them

The echelon program mainly deals with signals intelligence collection. It makes up part of a vast network of varied collection sources. Don't confuse collection with analysis or processing.

The issue is not capability but abuse. Private corps. are getting access to this system to engage in industrial espionage and exploit the intelligence gained for profit.

At many levels we are seeing the boundaries overstepped not by the capability, but by the people running the capability and more importantly by the policy makers who direct the collection targets.

That's what needs to be reigned in, the corruption and abuse that occur behind closed doors, directed by POLITICIANS.

I don't have a problem with the system, I have a problem with the lack of oversight and accountability and all those that whinged about bush doing it, who are now silent when it comes to light Obamas actually continued the program and expanded on his predecessors efforts...
Interesting you compare your wife to a walrus though then talk about needing to get laid...

i understand that you're too stupid to realize what a comparison is, so let me just inform you that no comparison was made.

i did, however, claim that the women you stalk must look like walruses and note how you need to get laid.

i am of the belief that if you manage to actually get laid one day, your angry bitterness might dissolve away and then you can actually start to make worthwhile contributions to this forum, instead of simply shitting all over it with your bitter virgin anger.

this has been your english lesson for the day, child. now go get laid, after all, all your ancestors did!
i understand that you're too stupid to realize what a comparison is, so let me just inform you that no comparison was made.

i did, however, claim that the women you stalk must look like walruses and note how you need to get laid.

i am of the belief that if you manage to actually get laid one day, your angry bitterness might dissolve away and then you can actually start to make worthwhile contributions to this forum, instead of simply shitting all over it with your bitter virgin anger.

this has been your english lesson for the day, child. now go get laid, after all, all your ancestors did!

All that to defend your shitty play on words? Bro you're fucking pathetic if you have to clarify that, no less than 3 times.

If there was nothing to it, you wouldn't worry but I've obviously touched on a nerve...

Keep defending the fat old pig you compared to a large sea mammal while talking about getting laid...

You still haven't answered the question about her getting that bump shaved off?