Paul Krugman is a Partisan Hack & a Complete Douchebag


Well-Known Member
Looks like Krugman has followed up on his first 9/11 post:
It looks as if I should say a bit more about yesterday’s anniversary. So:

The fact is that the two years or so after 9/11 were a terrible time in America – a time of political exploitation and intimidation, culminating in the deliberate misleading of the nation into the invasion of Iraq. It’s probably worth pointing out that I’m not saying anything now that I wasn’t saying in real time back then, when Bush had a sky-high approval rating and any criticism was denounced as treason. And there’s nothing I’ve done in my life of which I’m more proud.

It was a time when tough talk was confused with real heroism, when people who made speeches, then feathered their own political or financial nests, were exalted along with – and sometimes above – those who put their lives on the line, both on the evil day and after.

So it was a shameful episode in our nation’s history – and it’s one that I can’t help thinking about whenever we talk about 9/11 itself.

Now, I should have said that the American people behaved remarkably well in the weeks and months after 9/11: There was very little panic, and much more tolerance than one might have feared. Muslims weren’t lynched, and neither were dissenters, and that was something of which we can all be proud.

But the memory of how the atrocity was abused is and remains a painful one. And it’s a story that I, at least, can neither forget nor forgive.

Update: Greg Sargent documents a bit of the history.

feff f

Active Member
Looks like Krugman has followed up on his first 9/11 post:
looks to me like he is a first class douchebag. and a weasel. he is the kind of dork that got his ass kicked in highschool....and deserved it.

a small, arrogant, person. trying to think of other ways do discribe him, but cant think of any really powerful words that discribe a commie fucktard like him.

dispicable plus. i am guessing he is a pervert too. i can picture him hanging out in the clokeroom peeking at the little boys and spanking his monkey.

wouldnt surprise me if he is a pedophile. just guessing that he has a history of molesting children in his own family too.


New Member
looks to me like he is a first class douchebag. and a weasel. he is the kind of dork that got his ass kicked in highschool....and deserved it.

a small, arrogant, person. trying to think of other ways do discribe him, but cant think of any really powerful words that discribe a commie fucktard like him.

dispicable plus. i am guessing he is a pervert too. i can picture him hanging out in the clokeroom peeking at the little boys and spanking his monkey.

wouldnt surprise me if he is a pedophile. just guessing that he has a history of molesting children in his own family too.
Projecting again?


Well-Known Member
Okay, they criticized him for essentially saying war mongorers took us to war with Iraq under the guise of the "war on terror" - do you disasgree with that statement? Most people on these boards, right or left, would agree as far as I can tell... And even one of the commentators in your link admitted he agreed with Krugman that Iraq was the wrong the war for the wrong reasons - only to be shunned by the other commentators...

Then they criticized him for not allowing comments, as Krugman says "for obvious reasons", which apparently aren't so obvious... Here's a hint: because that's his own blog, he has to screen comments himself... Sometimes his posts will attract 400+ comments - do you really expect him to go through that many (likely more) comments, many of them likely to just be some sort of insult (he gets a lot of haters from the right in his comments section)? Remember, this is done in his free time... He isn't paid for that blog.

Jack Fate

New Member
Okay, they criticized him for essentially saying war mongorers took us to war with Iraq under the guise of the "war on terror" - do you disasgree with that statement? Most people on these boards, right or left, would agree as far as I can tell... And even one of the commentators in your link admitted he agreed with Krugman that Iraq was the wrong the war for the wrong reasons - only to be shunned by the other commentators...

Then they criticized him for not allowing comments, as Krugman says "for obvious reasons", which apparently aren't so obvious... Here's a hint: because that's his own blog, he has to screen comments himself... Sometimes his posts will attract 400+ comments - do you really expect him to go through that many (likely more) comments, many of them likely to just be some sort of insult (he gets a lot of haters from the right in his comments section)? Remember, this is done in his free time... He isn't paid for that blog.
Krugman has the right to speak his mind and so does everyone else. God bless America.

feff f

Active Member
Remember, this is done in his free time... He isn't paid for that blog.

oh my, God bless his little perverted heart. i wonder how much he donates to charity? my guess would be very little, exactly like most lefties. they dont mind MAKING you and i "donate", but when it comes to goodwill donations.....there are stingy little cocksuckers.

can you sense the hatred i have for this twerp? if i saw him in my local walmart....i would probably tell my 10 year old to walk over to him and kick him square in the nuts.

feff f

Active Member
people deserve to be physically assaulted?

and you wonder why we think you are a sociopath?
yes little buck, there are actually people who deserve to be physically assaulted.

whats wrong, did the big bad bullies in school not play fair with you little buddy? pfft

feff f

Active Member
i agree.

your example was a 'high school dork' that deserved it.

now that's just not right.
oh, he isnt just your normal dork. watch him. he is a special kind of dork. the kind that is arrogant, condescending, know it all.

the kind of dork that spends every waking moment either watching little boys take showers or telling everyone how smart he is and how stupid you are for not listenening to him.