Pax vs. Davinci


I love vapes. I currently have an Extreme-Q and couldn't be happier with it due to its versatility, durability, and variety of settings. I'm looking into a portable one right now and have my eyes on the Davinci or the Pax. Any comments about those two or others I might be missing out on? Thanks in advance.
I hear except for the price the way to go...
The one I have had access to works great....well built and for 1 gram of bud I got about 7 or 8 bags of vapor from it...
I have been waiting on the court decision to pull the trigger on one...
I just bout a da Vinci ascent from Toronto vaporizers. The screen crapped out after a few days. Thankfully they are replacing it under warranty. Hopefully the next one is of higher quality. It vapes really nice though
I have a volcano and just bought a 'Skunk Stick' by Skunk Brands. It came recommended but I am not overly impressed. I paid around $100 and although it works, I would probably be happier with the $180-$200 models.
I have a Vapir N02. It's on the cheaper end, mine cost like $160 6-7 months ago, seen them as low as $125-135 lately. It's portable but a bit larger than the pax or davinci, definitely not a stealthy unit. Battery life is decent, I usually get 3 or 4 sessions out of a charge (20 minute sessions). It's easy to operate and clean and has a digital thermostat for more precise vaping, all good things in my book. Be prepared to invest in a stash of screens for it though, they seem to get dirty and clog rather easy. I usually do a through cleaning and replace screens like every week. Nothing overly special though, I much prefer to use table top vapes over portables, hand helds or pens. The best I've tried so far are the ExtremeQ and Volcano although I've heard many good things about the VapeXHale and Sublimator.
Don't want to hijack here but if your looking for gear I (my company) wholesales a whole bunch of brands, just getting into retail as well. If you know what you want let me know and if we carry that brand I may hook you up with a good deal. (Got volcano medic, ehle etc) plus gonna do a group buy special in the next 2 weeks with some really good pricing to get the retail division going.
The Pax is very stealth but needs to cleaned regularly which is the major turn off for most people.
The Solo is great very little cleaning, good battery but bigger for a portable and is like sucking a thick milkshake.
The MFLB is super small an stealth but hard to regulate. Its either on or off. Big learning curve to get consistent vapor
New Pinnacle Pro very stealth and hits like a mother on low. Really liked it but the build quality is is an issue for some people.
A few positive reviews on my site for the Davinci but I have never used it.
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I have the ascent. Really like it. Easy to use and clean. Super stealth for when your out and about.
only negative I would have is my initial unit only lasted me about 3 months of every day use....multiple times a day. Then it just quit. It does have a 2 year warrant so I was Abel to get a new one from daVinci but I did have to pay to ship it to Vegas......about $30

I'm a little worried its gonna happen again. So I've been using extreme q while at home. And the ascent for when I'm Mobile.

Both units i vape in the 180 - 210 range.
All depends on how I'm feeling at the time. I find the lower temps to have a less sedative effect.
When I'm outside with the ascent I go right up to 215-220. But only to Compensate for the colder outside air

One other thing I forgot to mentions about the ascent is the great taste wit the all glass pathway.
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I love my PAX.....great design, holds a decent amount of weed, battery last longer than I do, nice quality vaporizer. As far as's no big deal, and they give you pipe cleaners with it. Go with the PAX and you'll be a happy camper.
can you guys go back and edit your comments to include your temps on which machines.
I will be getting a volcano medic and not sure of the portable yet
Pax has 3 temp settings, very stealth, recharge dock, easy to load and careful you'll get baked and forget its in your I it wet, and that was that
I hear except for the price the way to go...
The one I have had access to works great....well built and for 1 gram of bud I got about 7 or 8 bags of vapor from it...
I have been waiting on the court decision to pull the trigger on one...

If the bud is dirty the vape bag is dirty.
Dust and mold can make it through the screen.

Works great if you have nice bud. Once the bud is charred it will get harsh and it`s time to reload.
A simple 20 dollar multi voltage spinner battery and charger with a pack of 510 cartomizers will get you burning what ever you like.
Vaping...... That's always been a VERY VERY fine line. To hot...its cool it does not. Keeping the temp perfect is nearly impossible!!

So...for 25 bucks you can burn all day long incognito like.
They will burn Oil, bubble, and even weed.
You hit the button, light up what's in there and it burns as long as you keep inhaling.
Once done...put it back in you're pocket and forget about it. :)
Best damn haul you could ask for when the things gotta good hit of Bubble.
The battery will last all day if not two and that's using it all day long or when needed.
Buy two... :) that way you are never with out your incognito burning apparatus :)

cheers and enjoy!
A simple 20 dollar multi voltage spinner battery and charger with a pack of 510 cartomizers will get you burning what ever you like.
Vaping...... That's always been a VERY VERY fine line. To hot...its cool it does not. Keeping the temp perfect is nearly impossible!!

So...for 25 bucks you can burn all day long incognito like.
They will burn Oil, bubble, and even weed.
You hit the button, light up what's in there and it burns as long as you keep inhaling.
Once done...put it back in you're pocket and forget about it. :)
Best damn haul you could ask for when the things gotta good hit of Bubble.
The battery will last all day if not two and that's using it all day long or when needed.
Buy two... :) that way you are never with out your incognito burning apparatus :)

cheers and enjoy!

Sounds interesting, can you give a link to instructions on how to build?
Order from here

Watch these videos lol

You can buy Kanger wire and re coil the 510 carts easier than you can take them apart and mod them.
You need to or you should remove the coil filaments IN the horizontal coil which are nearly impossible.
Removing the cause wrap around the air tube in the cart is easy.
Removing the tube can be a bit hard.(that is take a new one apart to get rid of filaments and gauze)
You need to loosen up the air tube down the center of the cart before you pull it out or you will remove the wire coil with it. If this happens its an easy fix.
That's is where the Kanger wire comes into play. For less than 2 dollars you can buy enough wire to fix a single cart a few hundred times or buy and mod carts which can be a pain in the arse.
There are expensive mods as well. That's what the Kanger wire is for. They require you to recoil your e cig.
It can be quiet the learning curve but once you figure out that you DONT need to spend a lot, it gets easier and you can figure out something that works better for you without breaking the bank. We all like to burn different ways. Once ya see how it all works its easy to look for what you need.
Having someone explain it like this really helps out.

just so you know...the Spinner multi voltage battery is bigger/wider than the 510 batteries and carts but it fits many different and many different types of carts.
There is a pharma company in the UK I think or the states that is making oils for the carts for sale of pure THC CBD.
That's gonna be the cats ass when they come out.
And of course when we find out how they are made that is :)
Lots of people doing different things to make those e cigs burn what they like :)

good luck with it

I find bubble works the best.
Add a 1/4 joints worth. Push it down a bit into the cart with a ( I use a dry wall screw as it fits perfect.) and you get the best haul you could ever ask for and works! ;)
Reef works but the e cig stinks after and having it on you makes you stink as well. Unless you put it in a cigar case lol. Just suggestions.
Oil works well too except after you've burned maybe 5 grees. its time to use another or clean this one out lol
Bubble cleans easy ...once burned all ya do is bump it upside down and add more :)

enjoy..... I certainly do!

I made the mistake of buying an G Pen for 85 dollars.. Waste of coin. Battery was one voltage.
The cart burned out in less than a day. That's when I started searching and the rest is history.
Very happy with it. Works great for restaurant...anywhere in public really. :)
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