paying down debt


Well-Known Member
Here in lies the dilemma of the college loans that are thrown out so freely if you know the system well enough. Your degree has to pay for that loan while allowing you to live an "easier" life as compared to pre degree living. The fastest way to pay this down, assuming that one is making enough, as compared to basic costs of living with a little fun added to buckle down below your means and hammer at the loan right away.

Ideally as your degree compounds your income, your lifestyle, ie. house, new car, family, etc also increases. These things take away from paying the loan down in a way that is faster than loan is set up to be paid off, say over 15 years. If you have minimal overhead, a smaller apt. at first, maybe not the greatest car, you can throw as much $$$ as you can at the loan initially. You're already at a lower standard of living as compared to where said degree will eventually take you professionally, hence with discipline it's easier to pay more sooner, thus providing for yourself better and your loved ones later.

If your degree doesn't allow for these things you will just suffer and have a bill to pay for the full term...

I ramble


Well-Known Member
Considering the average college graduation debt today is something like $27,000- consider yourself lucky. My brother, after something like 20 years- is still paying off his Doctorate degree. Pay it off and be done with it. It will help your credit rating, allow more cash flow on a monthly basis and you'll sleep better at night knowing you owe less to others.


Well-Known Member
If you go to college, find someone else to pay for it. Worked well for me.

The best thing to do would be to invest that $9,000 in something you hope will get better than 3.6% growth per year. That way you will have made a bit of money on your debt and paid it off in the meantime.


just threaten to send it to collections, they would rather take a lower amount from you then a lowerER amount from the collection agency and another FEE on top for using them. i live in toronto, canada. I tried the collection scheme as per advised by a friend. and it worked!!! my debt was about 4000. i end up paying 2900... and what did i do with the 1100? well half of that stayed at the bank while the other half turned into some stanky smoke. haha