Paying for lights!!!


Active Member
Hey all,

I was thinking about upping the production, and going to three 1000 Watt lights. I used the formula for figuring out my electric bill and the bill seems very high. Is my math wrong? One 1000 Watt HID running 18hrs a day for 30 days. I pay .03kw or 3cents? I came up with $162 a month. Is this correct? Because if it is, no way I can go to three lights.



Active Member
My calculation is this: Number of days of "burn" x Time of "burn" (avg. per day will do) x Wattage of unit. Divide total number by 1000. This will give you kilowatt hours. Multiply this by the kilowatt rate on your electric bill (.03kw)and you will have your monthly charge. Now I come up with $16.20 .... so for three it would be $48.60? That's much better, but is it right?


Active Member
At $162 a month I wouldn't worry about the cost! Just the police knocking on your door wondering why your Electricity bill jumped up $162 a month.
I work at a Canadian Hydro Co. And I know for a fact if the Hydro Company sees a big jump in somebodys Hydro bill they phone you to ask why? (then if you dont have a good reason) they send and Inspector.


Well-Known Member
im paying you all more money and you have the audacity to call and ask why i want to pay you more money?

wow what a waste of resources