paying tickets in california


Well-Known Member
i hate the dmv. i hate courts. i dont particularly like many people. i hear there is a way to pay some traffic place money and they go to court for you and handle your nonsense. this sounds amazing. i been on google for an hour an havent had any luck. anyone know what im talking about?
if you want to read the story of how stupid i am..

so i got a fix it ticket like 6 years ago and got the problem fixed but being a stupid kid i never went down and got the ticket signed off. couple years later setup a payment plan to pay 900 dollars for my fix it ticket. half way through payments i missed one and it wouldnt let me continue paying them. so i figured they would forget about it (didnt happen lol) found out i lost my license like 3 years ago ish. been cruisin ever since. the court house i have to go to is like 3 hours away, the line is always out the door and down the street over a fence type of shit and they stop seeing people at 10am. they told me i couldnt pay my ticket without seeing the judge. apparently they want me to keep driving without a license. what the fuck happens when you get a ticket like this out of state? you got to travel back to go to court? /rant
It depends. I got popped in CA for cruising by a school bus with the arm out. They wanted five hundred bucks and change and like an idiot I just payed through the mail then did internet drivers school so my insurance didn't go up. I should have gone to court and talked the judge down, which I find out now that I could have. Yeah, get a lawyer if you can afford it. If not try having more conversations with the court people and shit maybe you can get an idea what they'll do to you before it happens? good luck...
Line out the door and around the corner? Van nuys?

I love court, so much that I've been to court in LA downtown on hill, van nuys, chatsworth superior, Santa Monica, I missing any? Oh yeah...Burbank

Van nuys is the worst I've been to, followed by Chatsworth

Seriously though, van nuys is where you see the line on the third floor through the windows from outside...and you're all like "I hope that's not the line I have to wait it."...its always the line I gotta wait n... :(

Just got a 450 dollar speeding ticket, should I contest it?? I could add the Ventura courthouse to the list...
sounds like the dmv in el cajon. i had the same issue. You will have to call the collections office that they sent it too and go from there.
I worked for the dept that handled the traffic citations after people "forgot to pay" this is what they nailed you with
1 fix it ticket $10 IF signed off and submitted to the courts with the 10$ court payment Some counties you pay the p.d the 10$ some you pay the courts the 10$ some you pay both but still submit the signed off ticket.

if you fail to pay the ticket or have it signed off the original fine ammount is assessed
then if you fail to pay this or sign up to "plea to pay" make payment arrnt (another $35.00 fee called a time payment fee)
some counties can add up to the $300 state (ca) limit + 10$ for releasing the possible DMV =FTA or FTP hold on your dl. (some will add the hols to assure payments if the fine is a dmv holdable fine..

for example locally a seatbelt ticket

is $22 normally
you dont pay of fix it..
they can add another 300.00 (civil assessment fee) and a 10$ dmv hold fee

if you make payment another 35.00

so a seatbelt ticket could cost you

$22 or $367

Most folks and most courts dont make it too well known that you can make payments on the tickets (if the county allows it)

You may have a few options yet.. The court will tell you, you are not allowed to submit a letter to the judge (you may not be able to appear if you have a FTP case) an FTA has a time window to appear..

let the court know your situation hopefully your dmv record is clear etc..

(sorry just reread it.. but will leave the above for others)

when you appear make sure you have proof of it being fixed.. (I know..I know..) if you no longer have the car get the dmv transfer paperwork or bill of sale..
be honest to the judge.. he will appreciate you saying you screwed up forgot or whatever..

more then likely you will be set up to pay.. once this happens ask for the immediate release of the hold on your dl..

lemme know if you need more info..
I used to date this girl in salinas, and I'd drive up there every week from LA. Well one night I was driving home, it was like 2 am and I was doing about 105 when I saw a cop on the side of the freeway...I just pulled over before he even had time to pull out of his parking he smelled weed and put me through a bunch of field sobriety tests...luckily he grew up like 10 minutes from where I live, so he wrote me up for doing 90 in a 70 and didn't press the weed issue after he realized I was sober and coherent.
temecula court.
i tried everything i could. the lady was a c word most definitely and i dont toss that one around. she said the only way to have it handled is to see the judge cause its been so long. it started out a ten dollar ticket they probably want like 2 grand now.. i know i fucked up, just take my money and let me be on my way, i didnt try to argue anything with her.. i dont understand why it has to be so difficult. my dad said theres some traffic lawyer people that go and handle that for like 300 bucks. i am down with that most definitely, but i been all over google and im not finding it
Call the court clerk and givr them your info and ask what your bail amount is and they
should have an answer for you, unless you might be looking at some time in jail and it's easier
to get you when your cornered in the court room.. hope that helps :)...
My oldest bro went to cali a few years back and got a some parking tickets and never paid them. Does cali hold grudges?
My oldest bro went to cali a few years back and got a some parking tickets and never paid them. Does cali hold grudges?

they allow for courts the options of adding fta holds within a certain time period.. ftp cases are usually added before the def leaves the court house..
I think CA allows for a 7 years hold.. but I have dealt with holds over 20 years.. which is a freaking mess esp once the courts updated the new system here.. I am sure people had to pay twice..