Paying trimmers

i been contemplating starting a business portable trimmers capable of trimming 20,000 pounds a day per unit 54 foot trailer run a fleet of 18 Wheeler's start off with 3 units
Dial a trimmer :) run from one end of the country to the other and make it a franchise
and eventually just be dispatch one number sourcing it out imagine the time saved for a grower
already in the works ::) just need couple more investors and few legal matters etc

anyone interested

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say that.. and inspect thaand add incentive of paid./oze Then you see productiv jump for ea pr. o' scissors. by-the-lb same thing. instead of monotony of ass in chair for twenny/ now a skilled trim'r makes say 30/hr and gets it all done. ea person sets their own pace while doin as much as poss. mix som of the midstuff in to slo the speedy ones down a bit heh. So that's how my friend told me they did it in Oregon.
duuuuude IM going to put this on a loop during the next sesh:P
We pay 30/hr. And if someone isn't pulling their weight, or just trimming tops instead of popcorn, they usually hear about it immediately from some of the other guys. And then they don't get a call back for next time.
$30ph is good, but there's many greedy non grower type that would take advantage of such casual work ...nice grow tho
Darth at this point I don't even think you grow.

@Diabolical666 your new system intrinsically motivates production over quality, however I would hope some pride in your trimmers work shows through. Incentive wise once a session walk through and pick out the best trimmed bowl give that worker an extra ten in front of everyone with some praise, switch up the time this happens. Yeah it's not much but there is just something about winning, competition is good. Or just get trimmers invested in the idea of a good product.

@doublejj killing it as always, let's see that new Tesla boss
TRust me...I was worried about quality with the new system...but they were told they would have to redo it it if it wasnt par. They have trimmed for me b4 and know how I like it. So again people in this thread keep harping on that. Im not going to accept bad trimming jobs mmmkay