Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
ok well any sort of pictures would be great. is there any way to do a so g grow with one mother and 2 plants flowering and then your clones? if so how often would harvest be
Here's a pic from my last grow.. as you can see I should have plenty of space for a shelf. What do you mean have 1 mother, 2 plants flowering, and then your clones? If you have a mother then you just take clones off her and flower them? Just need 2 seperate areas for the clones/mothers and the flowering plants.



Well-Known Member
Power Plant - Flower Day 20
Day 34

I changed my plans up a bit and decided to keep all 8 of them and just leave them in the 5" pots. I took out the 2 males, currently have the best one in my closet.. waiting for it to drop pollen to collect.. I can take some pics of him too if anyone wants. Transplanted the last 3 yesterday and gave them all a watering of the same mix I did last time.

Here's some pics of all the plants.. The first one is of all 3 'good' sativa phenos and the 3 pics after it are of each one individually. Same goes for the 3 pics after that of the 2 'good' indica phenos. The 8th pic I beleive is just of the 3 'ok' ones that were in the cups, I let them get a bit too big when I flowered them and they got pretty rootbound, so there a bit stretched with very little branching. The last 2 pics are just a couple cola's startin to grow. :D




Well-Known Member
I almost tossed the male cause I kind of forgot about him but I watered him and put a 42w CFL on him today. He was without light for a few days and was pretty dry too. The 1st pic you can see it bending over a little bit still, but before I watered it and gave it some light it was almost all the way bent over, so at least it recovered pretty fast.

Last pic is of my seeds I just got. The TH Seeds case is kinda cool, it's like a little book. The pen in the middle there has all my White Widow seeds in it, pretty handy storage device for seeds.



Active Member
those plants look real nice....wish i could smoke some of it! i liek you cab. thats just for flowering tho...i wanted to make one a little bigger than that and divide it into 3 sections for mother/clones/flowering. there would be differnt lights in each section. also what kind of fan do you have in there and how loud is it. what do your mother and cloning rooms look like


Well-Known Member
Yo man, how did you get those to lollipop so well, did you go straight from rooted clones, where and when do you do your trimming, is that a big part of making it lolipop. How big our your pots?


Well-Known Member
those plants look real nice....wish i could smoke some of it! i liek you cab. thats just for flowering tho...i wanted to make one a little bigger than that and divide it into 3 sections for mother/clones/flowering. there would be differnt lights in each section. also what kind of fan do you have in there and how loud is it. what do your mother and cloning rooms look like
I think my plan is going to be to buy another little cabinet for my clones or mothers, probably clones. Then i'll put a shelf in my current cabinet and have the top half for my mothers and the bottom half for my 12-15 flowering plants. I was going to do it today but something came up, plus i'm going bowling in an hour. :)

I have a Vortex 4" 172 CFM inline fan. It's a great fan, but way too powerful for my cabinet. I bought a speed controller to turn it down to half speed. It's a bit loud, but it doesn't really bother me cause i'm used to it. If it was in my closet i'm sure it wouldn't be nearly as noticible. I've had people come over and sit in my papasan right next to the cab and they didn't even notice it till I told them it was there, but others are a bit more nosey.


Well-Known Member
Yo man, how did you get those to lollipop so well, did you go straight from rooted clones, where and when do you do your trimming, is that a big part of making it lolipop. How big our your pots?
I technically didn't lollipop any of my plants. I think lollipopping entails trimming all the lower half stems off and just leaving the top half. I believe in just letting the plant grow out personally, the only time i've ever trimmed my plants is when they were too tall and the light couldn't even penetrate. Check out the pic of some northern lights I grew a while ago. With my current grow I may have to trim a few of the lower stems cause theres 8 plants in there but i'll only trim as much as I need to. The way I look at it, the more shoots there are, the more bud i'll get. Not to say when I have 12-15 in there I won't trim them more, just right now I don't.

I started with seed for all my grows and flowered these ones at about 2 weeks in to veg. The pots I used for the WW were 7" square 1.5 gallon pots, the ones I have the PPP in now are 5" square pots.. not quite sure how much it holds though. Hope they will be big enough to last them to the end.


learing the ways

Well-Known Member
looking really nice mate, i like the little setup in the closet also. keep up the good work, check my journal if you get time. happy growing


Well-Known Member
Power Plant - Flower Day 27
Day 41

I topped the 2 lanky ones because they started to stretch a bit too much so there a little behind. The 6 others are looking beautiful so far tho. One of the sativa phenos is getting a bit nute burned so i'll have to step back it's feedings a bit, the indica ones are lovin the nutes though.

As of now the tallest plant is 19" tall and the shortest is 16", which is the runt.. all the others are about 17-18". As of now it would still be hard to tell which of these 6 would be the best pheno cause they all look so good, hope the seeds I make turn out as nice. I did go ahead and cut off the bottom 2 nodes on the 5 larger plants, there getting pretty bushy.

The last few pics are of the male I had flowering in my closet. He really started to spray out the pollen so I cut him down and have him hanging in a plastic bag. Unfortunatly I lost all the pollen just sitting on the leaves, which pry woulda been enough. I went downstairs to find a plastic bag to catch more pollen and by the time I got back up here my cat had knocked him over. :|




Well-Known Member
Sorry. Stupid comment. I guess powdery mildew doesn't really matter as long as you don't get it on your females.

Can I ask why your'e keeping a male? Going to do some breeding and try your own cross?


Well-Known Member
Sorry. Stupid comment. I guess powdery mildew doesn't really matter as long as you don't get it on your females.

Can I ask why your'e keeping a male? Going to do some breeding and try your own cross?
lol yeah that's not powerdy mildew, just some pollen. I'll probably pollenate next week, but very little.. just enough on a couple phenos for a couple dozen seeds. For some reason I want to always make seeds with my first batch of a new strain. I think it's just so i'll always have it around, plus I enjoy giving some to my friends. They always hook a brotha up when they harvest. ;)


Well-Known Member
is the male the same strain as the female?
Yep, just making some more Power Plant seeds. This was one good male too. Very vigorous growth and he even has a nice smell too, think I got lucky with this guy.. seeing as he was 1 of 2 males out of 10.


Well-Known Member
Power Plant - Flower Day 31
Day 45

I watered them yesterday with pure h20, mainly for the sativa phenos that are getting burned a bit. I probably shoulda still fed the other ones but oh well, i'll probably start making 2 batch of nutes.

I went ahead and labeled the 5 best looking ones so I could tell them a part. I pretty much just went from tallest to shortest (1 through 5), so they should be from most sativa to the most indica, I hope. The other 3 are kinda hard to tell what they are so no need to label those really, I can tell them apart easy enough.

There starting to show some crystals now, especially the one I thought looked the worst a week ago. She was extremely rootbound and had a bad claw thing going on but it looks like she's starting to go back to normal.. her leaves are so damn dark green too compared to the others and she smells soo danky.




Well-Known Member
Power Plant - Flower Day 31

Day 45

I watered them yesterday with pure h20, mainly for the sativa phenos that are getting burned a bit. I probably shoulda still fed the other ones but oh well, i'll probably start making 2 batch of nutes.

I went ahead and labeled the 5 best looking ones so I could tell them a part. I pretty much just went from tallest to shortest (1 through 5), so they should be from most sativa to the most indica, I hope. The other 3 are kinda hard to tell what they are so no need to label those really, I can tell them apart easy enough.​

There starting to show some crystals now, especially the one I thought looked the worst a week ago. She was extremely rootbound and had a bad claw thing going on but it looks like she's starting to go back to normal.. her leaves are so damn dark green too compared to the others and she smells soo danky.

if that claw gets any worse i would flush them


Well-Known Member
Power Plant - Flower Day 35
Day 49

They were all extremely dry so I watered them all tonight. I had to make up 3 different batches to water though, can't wait to start doing clones. The 3, more indica dominant ones I watered with full doses of cal/mag and flower fertz. 3 others I watered with half doses and 1 of them I just fed straight h20 because the tips of her leaves look a little more burned then the others. And the one with the claw I just gave it a small flush cause it looks like the leaves are burning, but the the buds still look and smell great.

The tallest is 20", and the average is about 18-19". The runt is pretty short at like 16 I think, probably won't put on as much weight as the others. Everything looks pretty good and I put harvest time at about 4 weeks, but maybe the indica ones will finish earlier.. already starting to form colas.


