PBPost.org Legit Bud Deliverying Service ? (Not Seeds, Actual Bud)


Well-Known Member
7 grams for 100$?!?!

thats not all that bad really man..

considering around here the prices are 20$ per gram. So, just 5 grams would be $100 around here.. but then again.. the stuff around here is all top-notch stuff so I expect to pay top dollar for it.

I'm actually getting a quarter sak tonight in fact.. just waiting on my buddy to get done doing his Mothers Day stuff with his mom.. so it'll be sometime early this evening.. probably between 6 and 8pm tonight. I can't freaking wait either because I've been bone dry for the past 6 days now and I'm about to go nuts. My nerves have had just about all they can take.

I got a good "thing" going with this guy too. I give him a tank of gas.. which I pay for by a 'prepaid gas card' that I didn't have to pay for.. so in reality, I'm not paying shit for the sak.. so I'm cool with that for sure! Just hope he keeps helping me out this way since I'm out of a job.. and my 3 ladies are still a good 10 or 11 weeks away from harvesting.

Anyhow, that sounds like a setup to me. Just MO though.


Well-Known Member
If that place is legit... and does what they say... and someone here has used it before, by all means.. please share your experience with using the PBP ordering system.

I was reading.. they say for U.S. customers.. they break the bud up - or no, I'm sorry.. here's what they said " For US and international orders, the bud is gently busted up before shipping, so that it can be shipped flat. For Canadian orders, you have the option to receive your buds whole".

So, with that said.. and analyzing the context of that statement.. I would have to say that this could actually be a legit service. I mean, if they're having to break the buds up or "bust up" the buds.. to ship it.. that means that they're using some kind of stealth shipping method. Curious to know how they're getting away with this.. because shipping it over to illegal mmj states... is very very risky when your using the U.S. mail system.

weird.. I'll have to do more research on this "company".



Active Member
so i ordered for a second time and service isnt the same. you cant pick the specific strain just sativa, indica, or kush and then they tell you what strain type after you make the order. kinda lofting on telling me what strain was sent, i hope they do tell me i like knowing what strain it is.


New Member
there are way cheaper MoMs out there if you're in Canada. In the US there probably are some too but they are probably more secretive


New Member
well I'll PM you an open one, if you live in Canada. It's still higher than street prices but an ounce is only 270 and you can select your strain


New Member
Most MoMs are legit, but they charge for the convenience.
I'm thinking about opening a cheap MoM and have like 2-10 customers depending on how much they buy. Only thing is I couldn't really do more than 2 or 3 different strains. Probably a kush an indica and a sativa would be sufficient though


What the hell? I'm doing my own research. If this is legit I'd be willing to experiment. I always have. Very expensive though. That is top dollar where I live.


New Member
What the hell? I'm doing my own research. If this is legit I'd be willing to experiment. I always have. Very expensive though. That is top dollar where I live.
well I can't help you as you're in the US. I know they do exist in the US but they usually come and go frequently. The US is pretty tight on them.

In Canada they're basically a dispensary, they're technically illegal but they've been around for years with no problems at all