don't listen to anybody who says: don't worry, that shit won't catch fire. careful is always best.
we know the pc case won't catch fire 'bro. it's the apartment/house burning down that we're afraid of.
any multiplug in there may overheat, even the weakest current wire cross can melt plastic which can ignite... there's countless things insidethe box that may somehow cause a short circuit all the way back to the wall, which DOES have enough current to cause a spark.....
the best way is to make sure any and all wiring work in which a live cable is visible is capped. no wire should be overly exposed when you got a finished box. if no caps are available then electrical tape (sometimes can melt and cause problems, it caused me to ruin a 12vdc converter that powered my fans). i don't know why you would have to do such wiring work more than for the fans though.......
and although the box can hold temps of upwards of 100 degrees no problem, it'll toast the plants. you need it to be cool in there. get some pc fans. has some killer deals on 120mm fans.