PC Case CFL Grow: Easy Ryder (AK47 x Lowryder #2)


Active Member
One random thing - I find it interesting that everyone on here automatically calls me "dude," "bro," or "man." ;-)

In any case, here are a few pics, I need to get a better cam, can't do any good up-close shots of the buds. It seems like the girls have certainly stabilized from their prior pH problem, no more progression of the spots/damage, although it's doubtful the damage that was already done will recede.

Ah well, it's my first grow. You learn. :weed:

I still have the pics titled "sick babies," though, just 'cause i'm still keeping an eye on my girls

Pic numbered "42" is one of the leaves that was affected before I flushed + pH'd my water, not one of the worst, either.



Active Member
Oh yeah, and despite the spotting that was at its worst Sunday morning, they're were 2" taller this morning than yesterday morning (at around 21-22" now), so I'm hoping that's an OK sign.


Active Member
Sorry for posting so much in a row, but i couldn't help it - the top leaves are singed from faye growing into the lights while i was sleeping last night, and the spots are still there from the pH battle, but the new growth is coming in ok

i decided to celebrate with some early bud shots, 9 days in :peace:



Active Member
So, no spots on any new leaves and new growth is a healthy green, although the 3-4 leaves that already had a bunch of spots seemed to slowly worsen (get dark near the tip, shrivel up partially) then go kaput (the leaves that were affected were the newer leaves that came in around the time the problem started, near the top/middle). The pic with the leaf that has spots on 3 blades was tiny and had the same spots when the problem initially spread.

I'm hesitant to add any more nutes, but with this scare they haven't had any for a bit now. They seem to be doing fine without extra, but I'm worried I would have flushed too many nutes from the soil, and that I should be adding more soon. Wait, then give 'em as they need 'em? Go ahead and give a light dose? I was just thinking some Jamaican bat guano, something gentle, although I do have some General Organics Bio Bud that I have yet to use, since I'm not sure if it's a quality product or not. Anyone have any experience?

Also, does anyone know of a solid autoflowering strain that gets to 18in. max? This constant battle with the lights is aggravating. bongsmilie

Here they are, I know it's only been a day, but I wanna keep a close eye on them. ;-)

Edit: I think I forgot to mention this, but when I flushed them with the pH'd water+H202, I also mixed a small amount of organic bone meal into the top layer of my soil, hoping that the flush and the small amt. used would add just enough of what my plants seemed to be lacking without further exacerbating the problem - Nitrogen (slight) & Calcium (a crap ton), interestingly they never really seemed to show Mg def., though i thought the two usually occur together (why they sell cal+mag). Plus, it has more P than N, which is ideal at this stage

i almost wonder if they had too much potassium, which would've caused a calcium lockout. i added the suggested amt. of molasses per gallon, but then i looked up the particular brand of molasses i used, Wholesome Organic, vs. a type of molasses i seem to see most commonly used, Brer Rabbit: 730mg. of K/TB vs. Brer Rabbit's 292mg. of K/TB (also - Grandma's Original: 109.5mg K/TB! i'd have been using almost 7x the amt., though i believe others have used WO with success - just use less) Well, too much K + too low pH = so long calcium. :lol:



Active Member
Not that big, maybe around .5." I have 3 on each side, originally was fine just with the electrical tape but eventually had to super-glue them to the back of the strip, because the heat had melted the tape a bit and it got a little loosey-goosey - for a short while I had to use the screen just to keep the lights from frying the girls! I bought some of the 1/8" as well, broke off lengths of wire hanger (just by bending it in opposite directions repeatedly at the same point), bent them to the desired angle, and super-glued the mini magnets to either end of the lenghts - voila, adjustable LSTish ties to keep the main cola and taller side branches from the lights (plus, since the magnets are strong as f***, despite being tiny, they stay wherever you put them, but are easily maneuvered). poor faye, one side of her top got a wee bit crispy :weed:


Well-Known Member
I think they are looking pretty good! only a month old... those flowers will get bigger and bigger everyday for the next 6-7 weeks!! you will be shocked!


Active Member
Nice thread. Nice First post every thread should start this way.

Things are looking good, I was kinda wondering also on my grow about the flowers kinda lagging but hopefully will get nice a bigger and fill out. The problems in your earlier pics. kinda looked like a bit of calcium deficiency, I was also getting rust spots. I then wsa also showing magnesium deficiency as well, assing some more molasses at the rate of 1 Tbl. per gallon has helped and a few waterings with epsom salt to help boost the mag. A few watering of my cal-mag+ had also helped. My tap water is about 65ppm from the tap and I lack those 2 minerals.

I'd rep if I could, got you in the past.


Active Member
Lights off at 10:20 - I set the timer initially to be lights off at 12AM, on at 4AM (when I was vegging 20/4), but for some some reason it wacked out... and everything's 20 minutes later. In other words, for this whole grow, my girls' lights have gone on at 4:20. ;) :eyesmoke:

I decided I didn't mind.

Edit: let them breathe a bit before resting



Active Member
Nice thread. Nice First post every thread should start this way.

Things are looking good, I was kinda wondering also on my grow about the flowers kinda lagging but hopefully will get nice a bigger and fill out. The problems in your earlier pics. kinda looked like a bit of calcium deficiency, I was also getting rust spots. I then wsa also showing magnesium deficiency as well, assing some more molasses at the rate of 1 Tbl. per gallon has helped and a few waterings with epsom salt to help boost the mag. A few watering of my cal-mag+ had also helped. My tap water is about 65ppm from the tap and I lack those 2 minerals.

I'd rep if I could, got you in the past.
Thanks, I should def look into those epsom salts, they're easy to find. Plus, there's a hydro place within walking distance from where I live that gives a 10% discount to patients, and I know it has GO cal-mag. That should work, right? :D


Active Member
Cal-mag will work, I use at half strength which brings me up to 150-160ppm for my water. I start out with a ppm of 60-65. If you can check your ppm to bring yourself up to the right dose.

Epsom salt is at any grocery store. 1 tsp per qt of water for first dose, then treat with 1/4 dose. If only def.

Since you may be low on both go with the Cal-mag.\

Your next grow you can always ammend youor soil prior to planting with lime that will provide both and help to keep your pH where MJ likes it near 7.
im new to the site and have no idea how to use it if some one could message me or something i need all the help i can get please and thank you


Active Member
Pics up tomorrow, went to the hydro store today and bought some GO CaMg+ and a 60-100x magnifying glass. It's like a whole new world to explore! :eyesmoke:

Also bought some AzaMax, just because I figured it was something I should've had all along/used while they were still vegging... :oops::razz:

You have a thread up here for the haze auto grow? I'd love to see it! You mean the spots, or just how they grow in general? +rep for stopping in, and confirming that they're not about to keel over on me

Edit: found your thread, bong face. Looked suuuuper tasty. :weed: wish there had been some more pics, haha, but what I saw I could certainly appreciate, i hope my girls fill out like that


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There's a huge community of support here! The best thing to do, imo, is to compile all the questions you have, make sure there aren't already stickies already answering them, or do an advanced search, helps to limit search to "thread title" only. After that, pose any remaining questions in the pertinent areas, like if you have any inquiries about CFLs go to the CFL growing subforum. Ask away! Asking in the right areas, instead of getting it all from one person, will allow you to draw from a wider, more complete knowledge base, and those who answer your questions will be more informed on all the individual subject matters. There are threads for everything, start here:




