PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

If you love the couchlock, let her go a bit more. :) Me.. I'd yank cuz I'm more of an active high type. Although.. looking at this 6" Sour Diesel spliff in front of me is making me think couchlock would be juuuust fine tonight. :)

Another question.. which is bigger? Granita's top cola or your junk? ROFL j/k, mate! That is one fat ass cola, though!

Also of note.. since the sour diesel was grown local and is VERY fresh (I think I got her day 1 on the market here), I decided to test a legend I'd heard tale of on another forum site a while back. I'm trying to clone from nug. :) I heard an old off the grid hippie talking about having done it a few times, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I used to have great success cloning Ficus trees and I know we're not talking the same thing here, but since I got a bit, I cut the tip real sharp, scarified the other side (insides were still a lil' moist!) and took off all but the VERY top-most piece of 6" bud. Yes, I'll post a pic in my forum. Just givin' you the heads up first. ;)

hey i didnt know there was a limit on posting images. where did you read that? anyway the girls look beautiful.. especially granita she looks like she really got fat. thats gonna be some goood smoke.
Hey ER
I've done the dishes now :)
That experiment with the bud sounds really interesting. Got my fingers crossed for you. Closest I ever came to that was germing a nut from a chocolate & nut snack bar. It worked fine but hazelnuts don't do well in this climate so I wish I'd just eaten it now :(

Thanks fs
Sure I read someone bitching about a 100 pic limit while rooting around on here but it seems fine. There's usually some kind of restriction, I'll let you know when I find it.

Hi worm5376. Thanks for the positive comment.

Greets again Uber
She does look sweet and maybe she has had long enough on the sunbed. I managed to get a preview smoke of the strain last night and it's very nice despite a lower amber count and a 3 day cure.
The little plant in the corner is only around 10 days from flower now and I needed to repot it into a bigger pill jar last night so it looks like Sunday is the day for Granita after all.
Hey ER
Closest I ever came to that was germing a nut from a chocolate & nut snack bar. It worked fine but hazelnuts don't do well in this climate so I wish I'd just eaten it now :(

:cry: me too (wiping tears from eyes with shirt sleeve)

stupid hazlenuts... :finger:
v12 man thats a nice setup. it's so compact and well put together. even the genetic seem called for in this case. you even lst'd it perfect. fucking amzing man

NEEDHELP>> If you Neen Help let me know .. hahaha!
So so funny :)
Hey needhelp. You just made me snot all down my shirt :) Maybe they should put a warning on those bars..'DO NOT TRY TO GROW THIS CHOCOLATE BAR. JUST F***ING EAT IT'
I saw some hemp snack bars at the market recently. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Hi again worm5376. Very kind words. Thank you.
I kind of wish I had some pics of gutting the case too, just to complete the picture. Sadly I lost so much blood that they would have been rated 18+ and would never have seen light of day anyway.
Greets again Uber
She does look sweet and maybe she has had long enough on the sunbed. I managed to get a preview smoke of the strain last night and it's very nice despite a lower amber count and a 3 day cure.
The little plant in the corner is only around 10 days from flower now and I needed to repot it into a bigger pill jar last night so it looks like Sunday is the day for Granita after all.

Cool man, i love that home growing means you can grow and cure to personal preference. What curing method did you use?

I really like the pill jar method, I might try that myself next time around.

I'll be stopping by on Sunday to see Granita in all her harvested glory. Take it easy dude.
So so funny :)
Hey needhelp. You just made me snot all down my shirt :) Maybe they should put a warning on those bars..'DO NOT TRY TO GROW THIS CHOCOLATE BAR. JUST F***ING EAT IT'
I saw some hemp snack bars at the market recently. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

ewww... as long as you don't touch me.. its ok..ha

haha.. yeah, i'm thinking what you're thinking......why is Jay Leno chin so big
You can buy hemp seed as a health food snack and its legal if you can find it. I think that they sterilise the seeds, or at least are supposed to, but i'm sure a few would germ. Could hybridise them.
Cool man, i love that home growing means you can grow and cure to personal preference. What curing method did you use?

I really like the pill jar method, I might try that myself next time around.

I'll be stopping by on Sunday to see Granita in all her harvested glory. Take it easy dude.

The tester was from another grow. It was left in the dark for 1 day and put in a glass jar for another 2. Even so it was very smooth and knocked my socks off!

I have a shoe box with a fan at the top and some holes in the other end. I don't need anything bigger. Buds sit on a toaster rack in there for 2 days then go into a glass jar. I like to leave it there for 2 weeks minimum but both my jars are empty so maybe just a couple of days this time round.

The pill jar works well for me and it's easy to cover it with a sealy bag for the first couple of days. It's worth a try for sure.
The tester was from another grow. It was left in the dark for 1 day and put in a glass jar for another 2. Even so it was very smooth and knocked my socks off!

I have a shoe box with a fan at the top and some holes in the other end. I don't need anything bigger. Buds sit on a toaster rack in there for 2 days then go into a glass jar. I like to leave it there for 2 weeks minimum but both my jars are empty so maybe just a couple of days this time round.

The pill jar works well for me and it's easy to cover it with a sealy bag for the first couple of days. It's worth a try for sure.

Is the dark period important? Also can you cure for too long or is it like wine?

I did use cling film to begin with but the jar and baggy seems to work great in your setup so i'll defo try it out.
You can buy hemp seed as a health food snack and its legal if you can find it. I think that they sterilise the seeds, or at least are supposed to, but i'm sure a few would germ. Could hybridise them.

The one's I saw were called 9 bars. In UK a 9 bar is a 9oz bar of hash! I nearly fell over when I saw it!

I think they use ruderalis and sterilise them as you say. Shame, they could have been auto's!
The one's I saw were called 9 bars. In UK a 9 bar is a 9oz bar of hash! I nearly fell over when I saw it!

I think they use ruderalis and sterilise them as you say. Shame, they could have been auto's!

9 bars lol Yeah i'm a UK resident also man that's hilarious. I'm sure a few would sprout, especially as I heard you can eat hemp sprouts in a similar way to bean sprouts.
Is the dark period important? Also can you cure for too long or is it like wine?

I never really looked into it too much but the thc does degrade in light so I just went with the dark thing.
My little plants don't last too long but they taste better and seem to get stronger if I leave them for a month in the jar. Just got to be careful about mold.
If I was keeping anything longer than a few months I would probably consider freezing it.
lol 9 bars!
Dont get me started on the state of hash and weed in this country.. :evil:

v12 nice to see you got a sample smoke how was it nice high? good taste?
