PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

Just had a peek in there as I'm still a bit worried about Pandora. I'm happy to say that she's all perky and she looks really well now but I'm pretty sure I've set her back a bit. Got some pics and you can see odd problems here and there that don't look right. Lesson learned. Don't feed them pure bud builder.
Got 4 pics and you can see some of the damage: 1st pic you can clearly see a brown spot at the bud end of the leaf pointing to 9pm. The leaves that did that were all a bit pale too but luckily they've all got their colour back now. You can see it on the tallest bud in the 2nd pic too but again it seems to have recovered and they've grown a bit too. A couple of the shaders went a bit rusty too. You can see one of them at the bottom right of this pic.3rd pic is just a parody of the movie Day of the Triffids :)
Those front buds are bald because they are against the side of the case so they don't get any light. If I turn the pot around they are up against the other side so they still get none. I can switch the 2 flanks so they get light alternate days and fatten up ok but not the ends. maybe you guys can improve on this in your systems.
Last pic is Amber at 27 days. Just to show once again how I start these things off. She should be showing me a female flower in the next day or 2. Hell, there may be one there now! I'll have a closer look later.


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v they look great! i dont no how mine is going to look remotely close to amber 7 days from now, i guess your just the pc case god.
Hey florida. She's should be on her flush from today, finishing in 14 days but I may give her one more feed tomorrow. I'll use the trichs to give me the exact day but I've only seen one amber trich so far.

Yo DW. I'll post up in your journal in a mo. You can't have Amber but I reckon we can get your girls looking just the same :)
Man Pandora is coming around nicely. Amber is only at 27 days? Esme is at 36 and doesn't look like that. Now I'm worried my plants are stunted.
Hey Neph
Amber is 4 weeks today. Like Esme there's still no sign of preflowers yet but I think we should both expect good news in the next few days.
I keep getting mixed up with the other pc grow journals but I'll read your whole journal again later and see if there's any pointers I can give you if that's ok.
That's refreshing to hear, about the pre-flowers, and any pointers on my grow would be appreciated.
Watered the girls this morning and there's a faint whiff of bud in my room now getting through the filter which I think will get stronger as Pandora fattens up, so I'm going to brew some hooch in there to cover it up.
Don't know if any of you guys like cider or scrumpy but an old timer gave me his recipe once and it's really easy to do.
It's just apples, raisins and water so it's dirt cheap too. Looks like homegrown plus homebrew for me this summer :)
Let me know if any of you fancy a crack at it and I'll do some simple instructions.
LOL. I brew my own beer, too. No cider just yet. Just beer and mead, to date. Brewing an IPA will cover your smell right quick, man. Hop smell blows pot away.
You do mead? Wow.
I love a nice homebrewed IPA. Sometimes when they are in season I swap the apples in my cider recipe for pears and make a Perry. You ever tried that? It's wonderful stuff. Kind of like alcopop for grown ups :)
You won't be disappointed mate :)

Good news from Last night. Amber turned out her first flower :)
Pandora is looking all rosy again thank goodness. She's still a bit lean but I'm sure she'll put a bit of weight on soon. Here's some pics:


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Congrats on Amber and her first flower. Pandora is looking good. I can't wait to see all those buds fatten up.
A week on Sunday is the date I have penciled in the diary for Pandora. A couple of days either way is ok, so I'll be guided by the trichoscope :)
The seed info says it's cool to smoke after 7 days drying, so I'm going to hang it instead of using the dryer and jar method this time.
Cheers DW.
Pandora's just started putting on the weight. At lights out this morning I could see the difference just overnight :)
Amber is going the right way but I think she will be a little different to Pandora. The leaves are definitely more rounded and shorter. Bud is bud though and as long as she shows me the money I'll be happy.

Every time I see your sig I pmsl at the quote from yoyogrow :) Truly funny.