Here's those pics Dr.Blunt
There's a 92mm fan shoehorned into the inside of the case pushing air out. The blue thing is a plastic food container. The blue keeps the light out (or in) and the outer fan is sucking air through as well. Inside the blue container is a folded strip of cooker extractor hood filter.
I used to have the top of the container bonded to the case so I could just snap it off to replace the filter, but the top was clear and let light in so the blutack acts as a temporary fixitive and light seal until I can work out a better system.
That outer fan is the noisy one in my system. With that unplugged there is no noise at 6v, but it helps keep the exhaust efficient so it stays.
Here's the pics:
Thanks alot im gonna use somthing like yours for my grow box i just havent figured it out yet.