PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

Sorry to read of those pests V12, but only consolation is they are easier to rid yourself of than mites! Must have been in the coco? ..... thats hard to take when you are so careful. I wonder if an organic spray like SMC could work on them, or neem?

Plants look great though :-)

I owe you a PM, I'll get back to you later tonight.
Cheers guys. I'm feeling a bit more philosophical now than I was this morning. I'm off out for some neem oil in a few minutes so hopefully I can keep things under control.
TBH I should consider myself very lucky. I saw 2 thrips infestations last year and I couldn't actually see them because my eyesight isn't what it once was, all I could see was the carnage they were causing to the plants. If I hadn't have spotted these in the runoff I'd never have noticed them until it was too late.

Just a funny tale about killing stuff. I'm 1 of those 'spiritual but not religious' types and I have a Buddhist friend who lives in a place where bloodsucking midges are a plague. I asked him how a Buddhist dealt with them. His reply was that he always wished them a happy rebirth and then he splattered them just like everybody else :)

Enough with the light hearted banter. I'm off to slaughter something!
The buddhist friends comments was hysterical! Best of luck, but I'm sure your experience will cover up for any luck you lack!
dam bro those bugs look nasty. hope u get that fixed soon.

querkle pics as soon as my boy gets me some. did i tell u i donated her to my friend to put in his "multi animal grow op".
Cheers for all the positive comments guys, they really helped lift my spirits.

Holy Moly fs, I NEED to see pics of that grow. It sounds beautiful and so frightening at the same time :)

I'll see how the plants are doing in an hour or so, but the thrips got a mild ass kicking last night. I drowned the plants in neem and checked the runoff again. There were only a few this time and they were all dead.
I'm still gonna have to deal with eggs though and anything that was in the foliage. The neem is organic and it's supposed to be cool to use but I'm not spraying with 3 plants in flower, Trinity is at day 65 today FFS!
Been mulling my options all day but I think I have a plan. I'm gonna get an air duster / compressed air can from Maplins. I figure if I coat the bottom half of the case with neem and keep the coco wet with it then I can blast the compressed air and blow the little sods to their doom.....Wishing them a happy rebirth 1st obviously :)

Speaking of Trinity, I'm gonna nip a bud off her tonight but she's still not ready so I'll leave the 2 bigger colas as long as I dare. No more than 70 days though or I'll lose the baby plant, she's pretty stunted as it is.
v12, there's some green kinda mould stuff growing on the surface of my soil, looks kind of mossy... any ideas? only noticed it today, figured you'd have a good idea. Cheers dude
hey serious, good to hear you started your grow.
I think you've called it right with moss although it may be a bit of algae, nothing to worry about though. The warm shade under the leaves combined with the damp soil is a perfect environment for mosses to grow. Personally I'd just gently scrape it away and water a little less so the top layer isn't always moist.
Good luck with the grow.
well as of now its not the kind of grow ur thinking of. i meant a multi animal environment. like frog, lizards, turtles, snakes, spiders, ect.. just regular plants in there now but he was thinking of maybe doing some MJ in there as well.

he had a bunch of pics but this is the only one he could find right now...

Wicked fs, thanks. She looks gorgeous. I guess it's good all those killer animals aren't in a MJ grow, you'd be too scared to harvest!

Greets copycat and thanks for the nice comment.

Got no update pics today but there's no telltale white spots on the leaves so far, so the bugs seem to be in check. Still no real sign of amber on Trinity though and she's at day 68 now. She's not looking great either as she's had no food for more than 21 days. I'll try and post some pics tonight after the lights come on.
you still harvesting on day 70 irregardless of amber? how was your sample bud, did you get to try it yet?
Hey gumball. Sorry to take so long replying mate.
I tried the 65 day cola from Trinity and it's still another daytime thing, it's also a totally different pheno to Dusty as there is no hint of kush flavour, just tastes like fresh charas.
I haven't had any time to chop so I've revised my plan a little. I've killed off the baby and left the 2 big girls along with the next oldest. It looks like the 2 big plants are at the same stage and they'll prolly come down together in a couple of weeks which will give me some space so hopefully I can get something worthwhile from the other plant. I've ordered some new seeds so I'm kind of relying on these plants to get me through 11 or 12 weeks until the new seeds pay out. I'm not hopefull :(

Here's the latest family pic. Trinity hasn't been fed for a month so forgive her tawdry appearance but check out that main cola front right of the pic. It's gonna put my red bull can to shame :)
