PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

Cheers guys.
I did my best in the exams but going back to school after a 30 year break is a bit of a challenge!
Results are in August and retests are in December if necessary :)
Welcome back v12 Nice to see you again, time to get your hands dirty mate.
I don't think I could ever stay away from RIU for a month lol 1 day is long enough for me :)
Hey & thanks tamjam.
It wasn't easy mate, it's such a pleasure to read grow journals.
The stuff I was reading made me crosseyed and bored me half to death!
Great to see you are still around tbh. Having had yet another batch of males bagged up and priced as fems I'm getting seriously ticked off with breeders & seedbanks and their total lack of interest when things go wrong. I think your little postal trick has taught us all the way forward and I'm frantically working on a way to run a clone op alongside my little grow, so big time props for that.

Just a general note on this thread, I'm thinking it's time I stopped updating in here and began a new journal. It seems hypocritical to continue a perpetual thread when the perpetual grow has ended :(
I'll still be hanging around though and I've got some funky ideas for a new journal. I fancy getting a clone room going, possibly using a beer can with LED's and I also want to try out a recipe for hooch that costs peanuts and is ready to drink in a week! I figure I'm not the only person interested in trying that out. It generates lots of free CO2 as well so it may be a treat for both me and the plants :)
The little seedling is coming along nicely so I'll post up a link to the new thread when I've got the bits I need to get started.
micro flowering box, micro cloning chamber micro all the way!!! you'll master that as well and probably manage rooting 10 clones in there lol sounds very intresting and cant wait to see it

And i want recipes kiss-ass
I just googled hooch recipes and that sounds very simple :ogonna go get the ingredients on Thursday!! Does it get stronger if left more than a week?
You've been busy there tamjam :)
That Pruno sounds dreadful!

You'll have to wait till I start up for the specifics but there's be plenty of crazy projects in the pipeline. Most are just random ideas and inspirations that will need refining for my preferences as I go, but hopefully they will all taste better than that tomato sauce gunk! Yuck!
The quickbrew recipe you came across will get stronger with time but only up to a point. Yeast eats sugar, burps CO2 and craps alcohol, but once the alcohol level reaches a certain point it becomes toxic to the yeast. As long as there is still a release of CO2 from the process it will continue to get stronger.

Some forms of yeast have a higher tolerance to it than others and some are unaffected by alcohol produced from different yeast types, so they can be doubled up. My scrumpy recipe uses raisins and apples for 1 sugar/yeast reaction and brewers yeast/white sugar for another at the same time. It makes for a very potent drink :)
I prolly need to look into it a bit more but I think the max is around 20% alcohol from fermentation. Some members of my family brew poteen which they distill from a 20% mash, I'll try to find out what combinations of yeasts and sugars they use for the mash to get such high alcohol concentrations.
...... Having had yet another batch of males bagged up and priced as fems I'm getting seriously ticked off with breeders & seedbanks and their total lack of interest when things go wrong. I think your little postal trick has taught us all the way forward and I'm frantically working on a way to run a clone op alongside my little grow, so big time props for that.

Hi V12,

I'd say that clones are defo the way to go so long as a little time can be given to allow them to establish. Its pointless flowering a week rooted cone for example, compared to a week vegged seedplant which will still produce a reasonable yield. I find clones once rooted (10 to 14days average) still require about 2 weeks longer before being ready to flower. My small clone box has just 50watts of mixed CFL's but its enough to grow them on a bit to get them ready, that is all thats needed in my experience. I started my clone box in a drawer, pull it out and hey presto!

I currently have 2 seedplants and 2 clones side by side in my little veg box, the clones rooted at the same time as the seeds germinated and I'm waiting to see which I can flower first, my guess is that the seedplants will be more ready than the clones despite the fact at the moment the clones are bigger. But of course like you say with seeds you never quite know what you are going to get, and unlike feminised seeds I have never known a clone to hermie and of course you know exactly the quality of the plant you will get from the mother. Downside with clones is that you have to have patience in waiting for them to root in the first place :-) I have learned to put them in the back of the box and just forget about them for the first week!

Anyway, I'm interested to see what you do, and I just know that whatever it is its going to be inventive and challenging :-)
Hey ms.

That's a perfect summary of the pro's & cons of seeds v cuttings. Sounds like you have it all dialled in now.

My thoughts after the batch of males was to move towards a cloning op but obviously I need a separate environment as the case is permanent 12/12 and as you say, I will also need to somehow improve cutting growth rates so I've been considering some kind of CO2 enrichment.
Once I started looking at CO2 I had to laugh because in every case people are producing it with yeast and sugar but they are throwing away the mucky residue after the reaction slows down. It struck me that what they are throwing away is neat alcohol!
OMG what a waste :(

The start point for my CO2 production then is to turn it on its head, so I'll be making booze and then harvesting the gas produced by fermentation. Sneaky eh?
I don't know if it will work out, but the plan is to put a LED downlight into a beer can and fill it each morning with harvested CO2. With any luck it will promote much faster growth rates in the clones.

If it doesn't work out on the CO2 then as long as I can keep a clone inside the can under LED for 4 weeks, they should be ready to go into the case anyway. That would only require a 4 pack of empty beer cans to run a full clone op.
Hey v12!
i was on and seen something you had to see, a DWC cola can!!! i thought this may give you some inspiration on your next move. i can pm you a link where all the pics are at if you want to see more. hope its of use to you.
V12, were those 'fem' seeds that turned out to be males from P&M? if so did they offer to replace them or give any explanation? That's bad because by the time you find out all grow schedules go out the window. I'd be justifiably very angry about that.

Looking forward, I am visualising already the 4 pack veg box :-) I'm trying to get my head round HOW but I know you will work it out! I guess there are so many ways to disguise a small grow op if you really let the imagination run wild, kitchen cupboards, drawer units, desks etc. Going through the garage the other day I found one of those little 'mini fridge' things you know? I thought, "that would make a good little clone box!"

I'm also interested in home made booze :-) my father in law made beer for more years than I can remember, not from the kits but hops and barley etc, used to stink out the whole house for hours when he used to boil them all up but I loved it! I love that deep 'hoppy' taste in real ale. His stuff always tasted very slightly 'yeasty' to me but man was it powerful stuff, deep colouring and a taste that was close to some of those fine Belgian Trapist 'double' and 'triple' ales. I wish he was still here to produce more of that stuff :-) You will have to post a few recipes etc when the time comes V12.
Wow that DWC can is amazing gum. Hydro is awesome for growth but I find it a little counter productive as the plants just get too big for my little rig. I'm determined to try the hempy style some time soon but I will wait until I have a bit more room before I put the res & pumps back into service.

Hey ms. The seeds were indeed from p&m. I still await a response. Sensi Seeds replied but just told me to speak to p&m so I'll take my business elsewhere. I'm back to DrChronic and I'm trying out some Sagamartha NL#9 as I'm still keen to grow low odour strains where I can. I'll be checking out Chronic after these.
The brews I'm trying are as much about CO2 as alcohol to begin with, so flavour will need to be tweaked as I go but if I get anything really unpalatable I can just stick it in the freezer so the water freezes and I can pour off the neat alcohol which will be much like the poteen I'm used to.
I do like those mini fridges and if I had 1 it would already be in use!
I'm starting to get things together for the new grow so it shouldn't be long now.
The homebrew rig is producing masses of CO2 so I just need to perfect the delivery method for getting it to the clones and I'll start up the new journal.
I'm starting to get things together for the new grow so it shouldn't be long now.
The homebrew rig is producing masses of CO2 so I just need to perfect the delivery method for getting it to the clones and I'll start up the new journal.

Just remember, gravity is on your side. Just place it under your brewery.
Cheers guys.
I'm going with a new plan after pricing up the LED's. I'm just going to gut an old Dell CRT monitor and work inside that. I have 1 on order that should be here tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to gutting it though.
Hey gum, you're spot on as usual. Gravity is my friend indeed :)