PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

Thanks Phase. Hope we can expect another grow from you soon enough.

Hey ms
There's some tips got burned while I was away but considering they did 5 days without any attention at all I'm pretty pleased.
I worked on the monitor casing yesterday but it just isn't the right shape for what I want. Shame really as I've spent a few quid on it. I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get another pc case for the clones.

My month away from RIU payed top dividends by the way. I got my grades this morning and I passed everything with enough marks to gain a distinction overall.
Better lock your daughters up mate as there will be much rejoicing this weekend :)

You're on it there gum.
It took me a while to figure out how to make a fake screen for the monitor. I considered using an old laptop as that would have allowed me to make the case/monitor into a live pc, but the laptops I have are all A4 and the monitor is a 17inch. I ending up scrounging one of those old anti glare screens and painted the rear side black. It would fool anybody but it needs to live at the side of my bed next to the case and while it does actually fit, there isn't enough room to open it. DOH!

Greets again SICC. You more than proved the suitability of those party cups for growing clones, even to a doubter like me. I'm very thankfull to you for those posts.

Thanks CHIEF.
In the interests of recycling I'm currently using washing powder containers. Over here we can get liquitabs that just go in with the laundry. They are like clear squares filled with detergent that come in packs of 11 or 22 and the containers are 1 or 2 litre. Being rectangular the containers are really easy to fit together in the case and I can train the plant along the length of the pot to keep everything tidy. I use the smaller container until they begin to flower and then pop them into the bigger one for the final push.

I'm so excited about my exam results I just had to tell the girls :)
Here's Miss July looking as excited as me. She's grown a bit in the last 3 days as well :)

Congratulations on those scores v12, I will drink a tall one and smoke a fat one for u this weekend in celebration.

Sweet pics, miss july is a bute!

Bummer on the monitor, was a nice idea. Anyway to lift the top of the monitor or fold down the screen with a hinge of sorts on the bottom.

Maybe u can find one of the small cube pc cases, like 12x12x12, haven't seen them in a while, but they were a new design that didn't wo over the ATX design so well. I am sure the cases are out there still though
Thanks Phase. Hope we can expect another grow from you soon enough.
Yes im still growing away but have moved out of the box for flowering and moved them in to the closet. Witch i just bought a tent to fit in there to help control smell and light. Still useing the pc box for seedlings and clones. your stuff is looking great as always. still keeping watch, cant wait to see how these turn out!
Congratulations V12 on those results, here's hoping your hard work is rewarded in career terms too, but I hope you never move out of that PC case, we're all far too attached to it here :-) Glad the plants survived that period, just goes to show how resilient these things are. The offer of the mini fridge still stands BTW if you want it for a clone box? I'm not sure how you would fit light etc in there but if anyone could make it work its you!

As for Miss July, she's a beauty, I can feel another Red Bull can shot coming up soon :-)
Its a bit late but heres one from me :joint: congrats v12 :) that month break from here payed off mate well done

some fast process there with the ladys, good to see that case nearly filled up, whens the next seed set for germination?
Hey guys, really appreciate all the kind words. Take it as read that I saluted you all back with a tipple and a toke :)

Thanks again for that offer ms but it looks like I underestimated the size of unit I would need to run the clones. I bit the bullet today and bought a small pc case. I'm back in familiar territory now so they should do ok.

Hey tamjam, great to see you back online.
I'm dropping the seeds in favour of a clone op for the next run, Miss July and August are just there to get me some stash while I figure out the timings and expected yields for the clones. Once I have those I can work out a planting schedule and get things underway. Here's most of the family posing for the cam:

Got myself sorted at last. The new case needs some work but it's stealthy already and the plants have given the thumbs up after 24 hours.
I've got all the timings down and all I'm waiting for now is a couple of harvests from the cuttings so I can work out how many I can fit in the flower case at any given time.
The main case has 2 x NL seed plants and a Purple Haze cutting that has been topped. The cuttings are preflowering after a week of 12/12 so I can flo both strains to a harvest in 60-65 days now. That can only be good.
Check this:

Hey v, your ladies are looking good in all their different stages:) i'm sure that extra pc case helps out a bunch. Man it's a lot of work keeping track of the different watering and feeding schedules. I have sassy, 2-blue mystic, kim (sassy's clone), wendy (clone from kim), and another red spice hash growing and trying to keep it all straight is a full-time job.
Cheers gum. It's a bit of a new chapter so there will be mistakes but I'm getting the hang of this pc growing lark now so I'll sort it all out eventually.
As it happens, the Purple Haze cutting in the middle of the pic above had a crown of little lady flowers on her this morning. She's been on the windowsill for a couple of weeks but I didn't expect that!
Looks like a need a plan B, quick!

Wow CHIEF, Sounds like you are almost carbon neutral now :)
Feeding can be a pita with a perpetual for sure.
My routine last time was to make up 2 litres of full strength for the big plant & feed her half, then top up the remaining nutes with ph water to get half strength for the smaller plant and top up once again for the babies. The houseplants usually got the rest.
I ended up making a 4x mixture once a week and diluting some of that for each feeding which also made things a bit less time consuming. I just used a measuring jug with 3 parts ph water to 1 part of the 4x for each feed. It seemed to last ok for a week, although molasses came out of the solution within 36 hours when I tried using it. If you want to add molasses then always make a fresh batch up.
I'd seen Kim but it sounds like you've been busy recently. I'll go catch up.
Loving the 'Little & Large' set up mate :-) Everything looking healthy too. I'm guessing that P haze cut was taken from an early flowering mother? Most of my cuts were taken from flowering mothers and never lost those pre-flowers, but she should still veg up normally under 18/6 or whatever you use, I'm not sure if this is what you mean?

I like the way you work out your watering regime, and its funny that you give the rest to houseplants as I do the same. We have a beautiful big spider plant that's been fed bio bizz leftovers for 2 years and its amazingly healthy with a mess of roots dangling out the bottom that just seem to stay white and healthy even as it dries out. Its what inspired me to try this 'dangly root' grow thing i got going atm.

Buds look amazing too V12 :-)
Hey V, I like your feeding routine, I will use it because it's less of a hassle than what I do. Thanks for the info! Great idea about using the remaining nutes for the house plants. Also, I got some grow bags to help give a little more space in my pc case for my Blue Mystic girls, their pots are taking up too much space and blocking the intake fans. I'm wondering should I transplant them again since I transplanted them in the pots they are in now Sept 5. What do you think?
Cheers ms, great minds think alike huh :)
I noticed your new dangly root feeding style and it's most interesting, and that's a great name for it :)
Hope it proves itself, I'll be keeping an eye on it for sure.
The little plant is set on flowering so I've moved her in to the big case. I've put Miss July outdoors to finish off, it's all but 12/12 now and she was causing a bit of a heat issue by blocking all the fans off. Eats all her greens does that one :)

Hey CHIEF, hope the feeding thing works out for you.
You should be fine to repot the mystics again at this stage, just be gentle. I'd prolly do it sooner rather than later as the roots will form a rootball fairly soon and you might have problems making them fit in a growbag.
I tend to spread the roots around the top of the pot when I first transplant mine into the 1 litre pots. Once I cover them over with soil they really seem to fill out quick.
hell yeah that veg box sure is gonna make your life easier v12 :) how much are you planning on pulling from that flower cab a month now then? 2 ounces!!!!!????? :mrgreen:
I wish tamjam :)
The changes I'm making aren't aimed at a yield increase tbh, although I'm sure I could think of things to do with a few extra buds :).

The current rethink is more about improving my initial perpetual design, which was pretty good but came to a grinding halt when the fem seeds I bought turned out to be male.
It seems that the only way to ensure a perpetual supply of quality female plants is to clone them, so that's the new plan.

Here's a pic of Miss July from yesterday and I'm struggling to make the clones put out like she is doing, so I'm looking at a drop in yield until I get my shit together. She has about 10 days left IIRC, I just hope the slugs leave me something to harvest!

hey v12, i know you have done bout everything in your case. but have you thought of a little dwc/bubbler setup for your clones? wouldnt that get the clones growing faster than other methods, hopefully pushing them to put out more faster. listen to us, sounds like we're pimping out some bitches!!

have you ever thought of trying to make fem seeds?

miss july looks awesome basking in the sun right there!!
Cheers gum, she's a little honey isn't she?
I've been timing the clones and they are taking 4 weeks to produce a new top I can cut from, leaving a rooted base I can throw into flower. I have 4 cuttings so I can already produce a plant a week which is more than I need, so a bubble cloner would prolly be overkill for me.
I keep considering doing a hermie seed run but like sisters in any family, they would all have different traits. Using clones I should get exactly the same plant with the same growth characteristics and feeding traits which will make for an easy life overall.
That works for me :)
Cheers gum, she's a little honey isn't she?
I've been timing the clones and they are taking 4 weeks to produce a new top I can cut from, leaving a rooted base I can throw into flower. I have 4 cuttings so I can already produce a plant a week which is more than I need, so a bubble cloner would prolly be overkill for me.
I keep considering doing a hermie seed run but like sisters in any family, they would all have different traits. Using clones I should get exactly the same plant with the same growth characteristics and feeding traits which will make for an easy life overall.
That works for me :)

and thats all that matters, is a system that flows for you and your needs.

i would like to try the seed thing myself, but that sounds troublesome, stinky (flowering plant being moved about), and removes the stealth altogether. not to mention extra space required for flowering plant.