pc grow box (fans too noisy) HELP


Well-Known Member
hii all , i have done a threw grow in my time, but now i am living with somebody who absolutly hates the stuf, so my only option for some godd homegrown is stealth.... I have a pc box and have started construction, it has one big 125w cfl in ther and two fans atm, but as stealth is a major issue, i need some ideas on some sort of fan mufflers, one rattle on the metal and makes hell of a noise...... just looking for some ideas from my ever helpful fellow growers.. thanks


Active Member
Well you could put some sort of soft plastic inbetween the fan and the metal casing so that way it muffles the rattle. That would deffinetly help. As to what kind of soft plastic I would almost try like a bath and tub seal in a caulking can. That would for the most part work I think, it would just have to have pleanty of time to harden up before you put it to the test. Only downside of that is I dont know how well that caulking will adhere to metal. Worth a shot though and it is pretty cheap for a tub and a caulk gun.



Active Member
hii all , i have done a threw grow in my time, but now i am living with somebody who absolutly hates the stuf, so my only option for some godd homegrown is stealth.... I have a pc box and have started construction, it has one big 125w cfl in ther and two fans atm, but as stealth is a major issue, i need some ideas on some sort of fan mufflers, one rattle on the metal and makes hell of a noise...... just looking for some ideas from my ever helpful fellow growers.. thanks
haha, hard to make it silent me thinks, are you worried about secuirity or just your housemate?
Did you read his post at all? JW? It says right up their that his roomate is not cool. Im almost 100% positive that their is a good way to make his pc box more stealthy.

JW Did you wire your fans yourself?



Well-Known Member
Yes i did wire them myself they are both on the same power supply... And as for the caulk, u mean like silicone sealent??? Suppose that would work

thanks will try that, but myt have to get some silent fans first.... One more thing, when they say silent are they really silent


Active Member
calm down mr greenbum.. i got all of that.. just wondering if the OP is expecting do grow without housemates knowledge? or with knowledge and dissapproving of it.. or in fact the OP respecting any noise/potential security issues that concern his/her housemate..

anyway, the first option is always best. haha.. and take mr gungebum with you.


Active Member
Those fans would deffinetly work. They have rubber where the screws would go as dampeners. So their goes your metal clanking sound. Sweet man and for not to bad of a price. As far as Silent goes Im pretty sure that those fans will do you some good.

For your other fans if you wire them to a smaller power supply it will slow down the rpms which in return will make them quieter but they will move less air.

But I would just get those fans you showed.



Well-Known Member
nice one, think a may just have to invest in them... dint really want to make any purchases for the grow as i thought i had everything but oh well it has to be done .... my small fan is absoluty fine no noise what so ever, so i shal get two of them fans, one for exhuast and one for intake and hook them up to a small power supply and should be problem sorted.... i wil upload pictures and do a grow journal so if i get problems i would appreciater you help ... mr green thum that is lol


Active Member
Yea man no problem, Glad I could help some and when you make a journal send me a pm and Ill come check it out and try and help you if I can. Hope all goes good for you. Happy smokin and growin!



Active Member
now thats what im talking about you condasending swine... i cant see the harm in a bit of humour before a qualified answer, just because you dived right in there, all american like.... re. growing up.. well speachless i am..so are all jokesters non-adults in your opinion? have you run out of meds? why the attitude with me?
Why everybody gotta be a jokester all the time? Grow up man if your old enough to talk on a grow forum your old enough to act like a adult.



Active Member
now thats what im talking about you condasending swine... i cant see the harm in a bit of humour before a qualified answer, just because you dived right in there, all american like.... re. growing up.. well speachless i am..so are all jokesters non-adults in your opinion? have you run out of meds? why the attitude with me?
Ok bro you must not have learned that their is a time and a place for everything. When a person is asking for help that is not the place to be a jokester. IF you where in the toke and talk section high off your ass then yeah, Joke around buddy who cares. But common this guy was just asking for some advice and you pop in give him a shit responce and think your king shit. Seriously? How does that help him with his question? Hey sorry if I wanted to come in and try and help him out not come in and make a ass of myself.



Active Member
i was trying to get to the bottom of the situation.. imho if i were to live with someone who disliked 'it' so much, then there would be no question, there would be no grow.. i was thinking also of legality, if it was legal, then who cares what housemate says, if illegal(like most places worldwide) then alot more respect and considertion for the other resident would be needed.loose lips an all .i was also wondering what kinda set up is the OP trying to protect, with a 125 cfl. with respect to him, there are a lot of other set ups to be had with a lot more noise to deal with, dont want to argue with anyone but i think as i do, and am right in doing so...

any more thoughts mr greenhands