Pc grow box metal halide 100w dwc please rate and offer suggestions.aruduino automatd

Pc grow box please rate... Dwc with 100w mh micro controller automation

  • I am anxious to hear some feed back from you guys on my diy contraption I have built...

    we have I think a 2008 emachines desktop pc gutted but exterior kept to spec. I have a brinks digi timer for 100w brinks MH light, 12v psu for fans and 5v psu for arduino which controls fan speed thru a couple n channel mosfets with pwm. and soon to add a few temp sensors and have the fans/heating element to automatically control temps to keep avg temp of 70-80F but as of now im winging it without even a water heater temps are low as room stays around 55-70 degrees depending on this southern winter weather but it is warmer in pc due to mh light except at night but not too much thanks to my idea to insert this glass it basically eliminated all heat issues its like two seperate rooms the glass is almost safe for plant to touch. I have just swapped from egg carton to homemade net basket with cut up cardboard egg carton medium now dwc till i decide if ebb/flow can fit/ is worth the trouble. but without futher ado i give you my reworked pc grow box ok I know it cant be considered stealth do to light output but i havent sealed it up yet or attached the ac filters to outlets but (hopefully)"she" is now about 1 to 1 and a half weeks and on 18/6 just now transferred to dwc and she had her first shot of nutes misted on leaves and medium and is no longer in milk jug humidity chamber I had to break down and use mg soil plant food cuz i had some and saw some browning tips and spots hopefully it will hold her off till I can order legit stuff but what you guys thinks of my hard work maybe she will pay off also im using bag seed till i can order some 90 day wonder or something sativa
    also any recommendations? preference on dwc vs eeb and flow/ flood and drain on 45 secs on/ 45 off or 24 hr mister/ sprinkler head. great work fellow grow boxers sometimes smaller can be better
    im very optimistic now thx.... You can see my first video with my attempt at cloning, with mixture of willow water solution i made and a rooting powder, cuttings from my last late started grow half indo / outdo one actually turned completely purple at flowering it was beautiful http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyLaIi2C1ss



Well-Known Member
I'd be very cautious misting with nutes while the light so close.

I'm trying to wrap my head around why you went this route. Seems like a lot work for such minor rewards. If you took the time needed to prepare this, and spent that time a work, and just bought a sack. I feel like you'd get more for your time and money. It's really cool looking but it's really hard for me to justify. What kind of yield are you expecting?
Well Im glad you at least think its "cool looking" lol... Ok I know it was pretty close to the light but I had it raised 3 or 4 inches in the pics "shes" now 4-5 inches away from light... Yes it was a lil time consuming but I just love building things with my hands. Yes I do not have a job tho I am looking but not due to this box or laziness. I am currently a full time college student and I designed and built this in a couple days free time while most my age were getting F'd up or playing video games... and I have only used parts I had already from previous projects/ freebies and all together I have less than 100 bucks in the parts to begin with. Ive seen other pc grow boxes online selling for like 500 hundred bucks or more and they dont have a brain to automate heating and cooling and Logging data.

Now with that said lol I havent thought much about yield. Im sure its possible with scrog, fimming, topping, and lst to get a somewhat decent ammount. I actually did this for my friend who wanted it and I already had a good start on it BUT my plan originally and eventually will get back to using this as a cloning/veg. room. I like to get a good start indoors and then transfer outside but if all goes well I will be building a flower room before too much longer so thats why I started with dwc instead of soil.

I have fallen in love with growing Cannabis Sativa Sativa and Cannabis Sativa Indica. I hope one day it becomes a legalized cash crop in all places of the world.
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Update... it seems healthy and its grown a lil since the last post. I hope the yellowing tips stay only on the two bottom leaves. they are slowing yellowing and i believe they will continue to do so untill they dry out and fall off. I believe it started because of lack of nutes. Currently all I have to feed is MG nutes, so, I just mixed a small dose in a spray bottle and poured a lil over half in the res and sprayed the leaves and medium a couple times a day. I wonder how this baby will turn out if i dont get hydro nutes or a ph meter soon. Any Ideas...
Just got a PH and chlorine test kit and an accurite wireless temp display for like 15 bucks total.
So, I placed the wireless temp sensor (for "outdoor" function of the display) inside the PC and tested clorine/PH levels.
I also added yesterday, a much bigger oxy stone and bigger pump.

results are:

chlorine = slim to none (using mostly rain water with approx 5-10% hot ass sink water only used to mix nutes)
PH = 7.2
PC Air temp = 75 (lights on sensor 1" from plant base)
Air temp in my house = 63 (outside of PC)
water temp = fukn cold... less than 60 (I have heating element but no temp sensor for control waiting on order from sparkfun...)

this is day two since res change adding a pinch more nutes.