PC Grow Box smell


Active Member
Ok, so here's my issue...I am starting on my very first project to create a pc grow box... I am going to be running 4 cfl's to veg and flower two plants from clone...Have two pc fans, an intake and an outtake, both fans are of the Power Supply type/size... I have been beating my head against the wall trying to come up with a way to cut out the smell, since this needs to be an extremely stealth design. Does anybody have any good ideas for this issue without it costing to much...


Make yourself a nice cheap carbon filter on the back exhaust fan.
Have a look into it, there's a few tutorials on the forum!


Well-Known Member
or if you dont wanna DIY go buy a wall plugged febreeze true-air purifier and use it with some ona gel and you'll be set


Active Member
i use the dryer sheets on my out take pc fan on my box. gotta change em though they lose their touch after a while.


Active Member
Can anybody tell me how to upload pictures to an album...I've read the tutorial but it's for the obsolete version of this site...I have looked everywhere I can't find anything on how to do this... I can however upload pictures on the threads, but not to my album...


Well-Known Member
If you create negative pressure with a proper exhaust then the smell will be no problem........

FYI ..... if you are just exhausting your box back into the room the box is in then you do NOT have a proper exhaust set up.....


With a PC grow, you should not have a HUGE amount of odor to control. As Gee Tee stated, an odor absorbing gel should be sufficient for a grow of such size. If your doubled up with a dryer sheet/fan filter, you should be ok. Happy growing!