PC grow case


Well-Known Member
okay are you serious here like some where around 10 colas! omg haha
so all those side branches will turn into colas?
also when you say move her to the center if i can should i let up on the rubberbands pulling her to the side
and what about the bluryder shes still really weak to bed should i just let her be as she is for now?


Well-Known Member

That's 10 colas and counting :)
All those sidebranches just changed their name to budsites :)
There isn't much light getting to the sidebranches close to the side and underneath. If you move it inwards a little you can get these a bit bigger. You need them to stunt the growth anyways and they will produce a popcorn or 2 :)
If the blueryder has sidebranches then give them some light. You've seen what happens :)


Well-Known Member
ok i dont have any nutes
how bad do i really need them?
how much of i difference will they make and what difference?


Well-Known Member
I couldn't tell you what happens when you don't feed them as I always do.
If you opt to get some nutes then check the ph of the water after you add them and adjust if needed.
In my experience GH Flora Nova lowers ph a lot but canna terra flores has less effect. Both work well and I can see the difference after I feed them.


Well-Known Member
OK.. I'm not trying to bump the master here, but I counted 5 nodes, which likely have 2 bud sites a piece AND the top cola. That's 11. I hope I'm right. :)


Well-Known Member
OK.. I'm not trying to bump the master here, but I counted 5 nodes, which likely have 2 bud sites a piece AND the top cola. That's 11. I hope I'm right. :)
So it's a bun fight you want huh? :)

You are prolly right, but usually only 1 of the 2 bottom sidebranches comes up. The plant kind of turns itself after that one so both sidebranches get light but they can't seem to do it on the first set of leaves.


Well-Known Member
This is looking nice. That LST is doing a good job. I can't wait to see these babies in full flower.


Well-Known Member
I guess the bagseed is ok then :)
Nice work BTK.

You can see that twist ER. I think you owe me a bun :)


Well-Known Member
hey I just got done watching a show about the BTK killer and it made me think of you.. is that where you got your name?


Well-Known Member
Yeah.. I see the twist, but it also looks like that bottom guy is trying to get around it! :) Still prayin! Interesting enough, I got the same thing w. my Top44. I'm going to try to LST for it in future cups. I want to make sure I expose both if possible.


Well-Known Member
okay i had trouble getting on the site yesterday so these pics are 2 days old ill be posting new ones tonight but tell me how things loook
also i think i have a bug problem ive been seeing these really small lil bugs in the plants they fly also



Well-Known Member
Man.. I hear the Ryders take off at a certain point. I'm betting 12g. Also, was it the unstable "BlueRyder" or was it the stable "Auto Blueberry"? Who was the seed company?

Also, bro, what is that lens and where'd you get it? I need one for my D40!!


Well-Known Member
thats just the stock 18-55mm it comes with =)
and it was the unstable blueryder joint doctor thats why i put it on 12/12 so i know it would flower as v12 was talking about its instability


Well-Known Member
Holy hell! You're on manual, must be. I cannot get mine to get snaps that nice on auto. :)

If it's unstable, it might get bigger than a normal ryder. More like Blueberry.


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking good but you need to get those bugs sorted fast.
From what you say it sounds like adult thrips. Have a read on how to identify thrips & report back.

If you can sort the bugs out then there's still 7 or 8 weeks flowering in those plants and they have far fewer colas to nourish and more soil than mine, so ER's guess would be more realistic than 5g. Get those bugs squashed though or all bets are off.