Pc grow with cfl's


Ello ello,doin a pc grow with 4 cfl's they are warm white 23w Philips bulbs,they say they are the equivalent of 110w each apparently,they equal a total of 7280 lumens do you think this would be enough for a autoflowering grow, thank you peeps


Ok kl well maybe il try fit 6 in as then will be nearly pushin 10500 lumens there was a 250 red spectrum cfl in it but was gettin to hot if I could get the temp down would you recommend this,thanks for responding so quick


Well-Known Member
your lights arent raising any red flags to me but growing an auto in a PC grow is. the shitty thing about auto's is sometimes they grow small sometimes they grow huge...and theres no controlling them if they want to get large. i had a auto grow 2ft on me in 10 days the plant ended up being 4 ft tall and thats after i LST it because it outgre my 5 ft 32x32 tent.

doing a PC grow your probabally better off doing a 12/12 from seed or mini scrog/LST. granted a phto plant will also stretch but if you do a mini scrog (which you can do with a auto but its no trecomended as they say auto's are prone to stress easily) yo ucan controll a little more in the small area of the PC cab.

92 W of CFL in a PC case should be fine, yeild is going to be small but not because of your lights. because your growing in a small area so your not going to harverst a Lb out of a PC its just not possible but i dont see why you couldnt get a fat Oz out of the deal..

my 2¢


Well-Known Member
oh, if you want to keep the plant small make sure you dont use large container. a 1/2 gallon tupperware container would probabally be perfect.


Well-Known Member
Don't believe all the bad things you hear about autos. I've harvested a crop in 45 days. Was the product perfect or yield great? No. But I sure as hell felt the affects.