PC Micro CFL Trial #1


Okay everyone, I only chopped down 5 colas..the 5 main ones....from that I had 56.7 grams wet, it dried down to 14.8!!!

Just a tad over a half ounce! However I still got about half the plant still going so perhaps I will get a whole ounce in the end!

The effects of this herb are quite outstanding....it hits you pretty heavy...then mellows out a bit but you feel it deep in your brain....

The cerebral tingling is Utterly Amazing.



Active Member
looks pretty good man! cant wait to start flowering. just have to get my plant healthier. for some reason its all droopy the last day or 2. i thought it was over watering but i watered perfect. how much longer are you gonig to grow the rest of hte plants for?


Active Member
normancey, great thread :-) I know a LOT of people who would be very happy to pull a solid dry 14g+ from a PC case grow! Quality looks excellent too........ I'm a commited CFL grower so I know how good it can be.



thanks everyone!

However...despite it being decent smoke..I was expecting a taste which was a little better..also...there is the "tea" smell...it has been drying/curing for close to 10 days now....

The strain is Master X Bubba..but the high is more like a sativa than anything else...perhaps I did not wait long enough... ?


Active Member
ill trade you for when mines done! mine looks liek straight indica and i def prefer sativa


So in the end, I got 20.4 dry total...not bad I have to say.

However this time around, I have removed all the CFL lighting and replaced it with a 150 hps, remodified the cooling system and now it is really rocking.....

I was pleased with the CFL results but I think will fair better this way..

My temps are holding between 81 to 83 a bit warm but eh its okay!

I will have some new pics up soon


Astonishing grow mate - well done!

My friend is planning a grow like this and is still putting together his shopping list.

His case is 24" x 24" x 8"

He wants to grow short rider (or similar autoflowering strain).

He is planning on putting a 250w CFL along with 4 x 30W CFLs for side lighting.

Hes got 3 100CFM 5" case fans - 1 intake, 1 exhause and 1 for circulation.

I thought the 250w CFL would be too hot - but seeing you have put in a 150w HPS - now I'm really wondering!!!

Which would be better? 250w CFL or 150w hps???

Is your HPS one of those remote ballast diy jobbys?

Cheers and congrats on your buds.


Well-Known Member
damnn you did really good man, this was your first pc grow? mann i wished my first grow looked like that. that bezzy looks rite!
and you didnt need that much light, keep up the green thumbs.....

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
He Mature Smoker! This Old Coot is putting down three NL to germ this morning. My last grow, one plant, LST got me right at 33 grams dry. Really good stuff considering I overstressed the LST.....which made it hermie...none the less the smoke was great. This time I hope to get these NL trained and producing the same amount without pushing the bitches over the edge into self polination. I will post up pics as I go if thats ok!



hey everyone sorry for not responding for so long...yeah this was my first CFL pc grow

however since then...

I have upgraded to a 150 hps and have gone through over 4 harvests...I am running perpetual with another machine as the veg mother, every few weeks I am pulling down about 54 to 78 grams dry from a 150 watt HPS!

I will post up some pics...temps stay chill about 71 to 76 on hotter days...

over alll HPS is beating the heck out of the CFL experiment I must say


Well-Known Member
sweet man, i have a pc that i grow in as well. thought bout the 150w hps but thought it would get way to hot. check out hte link in my sig. i really wanna see pics of the new case layout. i just got done rebuilding mine from my last grow but can't grow til i move out of the rents house, just graduated college and moved home.

peace dude