PC or MAC?


Well-Known Member
Geeeeeze, its not something even worth arguing about. I have both PC and MAC and use both of them frequently. I use the PC more because that is what I learned from the start and I am more comfortable using it.
The MAC on the other hand, i think, without a doubt is a much much better product all around. I've had my mac now for almost 4 years and NOTHING EVER! has gone wrong with it....NOTHING.....sorry, just cant say the same for the PC.

PC = easier to use..is what most ppl are brought up on
MAC = Supurb product supported by a much more stable platform. Not as widley known as windows. Most people unwilling to learn a new operating system especially when windows works as well as it does.

TOTAL = Use what you like :hump: They are both great products.

:joint: ~Boneman


Well-Known Member
Sounds like someone's mad they couldn't keep there computer stable so they wanted to blame the OS.
To do all the hardening necessary to run a secure box with windows you're almost better off writing your own OS. :roll:

I've used both Mac and PC for years, windows, linux, mac OS... and there's one thing I've learned about windows... never trust it.

Between using only Windows certified technicians to harden the software because only certified Windows techs can actually understand the POS software, and lost revenue from down time, I can't understand why so many businesses choose windows... unless it's because they're just too damn ignorant to know the difference between monopolizing the market with illegal and unethical practices vs. true market competitiveness.

The ONLY reason to go with PC is because they're CHEAP. But you'll end up paying more for it in the end with far more CPU cycles (the machine wears out faster), virus protection and firewalls (macs just don't need any), pricey licensing fees (try running a windows server), expensive and exclusive tech support... fuck that shit.


Well-Known Member
I use a PC because Louis is right, PC's are easier to upgrade.

Mac's are too expensive and are not any easier to operate, they are nice computers but not worth the money in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
well i can say that the mac antivirus stuff plays in to fear mongering. there are maybe 5 or 6 viruses out there for mac and they arent spread as easily as windows bugs. and the ones that ive seen are more toys and proof of concept than actual virii, ie, the screen shaker virus that is only spread via informed installation or a sneak attack from someone with it loaded on a USB stick. all osx is is a dumbed down version of linux, so more people can use it, they take tried n true architecture and make it shiney so people can just click it and it works. no fucking around like with linux with customization and kernel piece work and no driver BS like windows.

my favorite is when people argue X is better than Y when 95% of the arguments are based on variable C even though variable C means nothing to the user looking at variable B.
another good one is the people that say "well ive used OS A or OS B, meaning they clicked around on a demo machine somewhere. it took me 6 solid months, a few on a G4 tower (got used) and a few on an old G3 macbook. after i got the hang of it i bought a used macbook c2d. this is by far the best laptop i have ever used (and i did 4 years of college student computer support, so ive seen em all). granted if you are a hardcore gamer, id stick to windows.

its all about what you want to do with the computer.
i have converted about 10 people in just this past year to switch mac, both experienced computer users and computer noobs (ie older people). they all love it and spread the word. a huge selling point for new users is the REAL AMERICAN support. with osx u get to talk to real people that understand your jokes and pop culture references.

linux support = google or man pages
windows support = not MS, and good luck with ur farmed out support.

moral of the story if you want a computer that just works, get a mac, its ready to go out of the box. most PC suppliers give limited shitty support and for some reason if your hardware dies its usually right after your warranty is up (at least Apple will help you out). as for linux, if youre a non-tech noob, stay away, ull never get what you want w/o CLI, oh wait they have guis u can use. id push linux flavors to nerds, geeks, admins, and tech- devoted as there is a pretty big learning curve if you want to utilize all that linux offers, and if you dont want to, then why use it?


Well-Known Member
And for the record poplars, you're on a PC. That;s the irony of the whole thing. You just have mac OS.


Well-Known Member
I use avast anti virus on my pc wich is free and it never crashed and i had it for 4 years, so maybe you guys
that complain about pc crashing bought the wrong computer.


Well-Known Member
mac. no more viruses or hd crashes for me.
if your having viruses and HD crashes thats your own fault and you need to learn to use a computer. i have never had a mac because they are made for the computer tards who need big icons and cant do anything on their own. i have never had my HD crash and i have never gotten a virus in 6 years. dont dog on PCs cause you used norton anti virus when you should have had AVG


Well-Known Member
if your engine blows up from lack of oil its your fault.
its just good practice to understand and maintain the things you own and operate, if you dont, ur just setting urself up for failure will probably just blame it on something else anyway.

idk man i was just browsing the web and all these popups started, its this stupid computer. (meanwhile the guy is clicking yes, yes, ok, download, ok, yes to everything he sees)


Well-Known Member
And for the record poplars, you're on a PC. That;s the irony of the whole thing. You just have mac OS.
exactly, that should mean I have the LEAST biased opinion here. I have used 20 different OS's (not bragging, I know people that have used more) and OS X tops them all in the things I'M looking for.

now I don't really know what you look for in an operating system, but I look at the entire picture, stability, speed, looks, how well things go together, availability of good applications.

and of course, how well I function with the operating system.

mac os x by far, is my most productive os. I can multitask more than any other operating system, and it all works smoothly without crashing on me. and not to mention, this is a HACKED version of the operating system.

albeit not far from the original, it still should in concept not work THIS good.

but if you're a simple user that only browses the web and plays games, you're not gonna care about any of these good features. one good game not being on mac and you're against it. or you subconsciously look for reasons to be against it.

I mean I was a hardcore PC user for years, with the same exact perspective as you Louis. I didn't have an antivirus because I believed I was a better one, and my PC barely ever crashed and ran way better than anyone else I knew. I figured the same thing as you did, if people couldn't keep their windows stable it was entirely their fault.

this all changed when I used OSX for over 4 months. you hardly even need to do maintenance on this operating system, it's almost completely self-sufficient. no need to reformat after a few months when things start clogging up. when you get too many applications, your start 'menu' isn't a bitch to use, there is no start menu. your applications are installed easier with less restarting required.

and I could arguably say the entire GUI is built better as mac os x started a GUI, rather than windows, which started with a command line. mac os x had the command line added later (which is several hundred times better than the windows command line, not accounting for windows 7 though.)

anyways, I'm pretty much done with this argument after this post, I think I've backed up my points good enough unless you have another argument point, I think I'll stop here.


Active Member
I'm using a PC with both OS X and (shitty)Vista installed.

There's no getting around the fact that OS X is not for everyone but for me, someone who does a lot of video editing and graphic design, things of that nature, it can not be matched in its speed and efficiency.

On the other hand, I gotta have my Windows so I can play all my games at the best possible speed I can.


Well-Known Member
if your having viruses and HD crashes thats your own fault and you need to learn to use a computer. i have never had a mac because they are made for the computer tards who need big icons and cant do anything on their own. i have never had my HD crash and i have never gotten a virus in 6 years. dont dog on PCs cause you used norton anti virus when you should have had AVG
macs are made for computer tards? not quite.
Im dogging on PCs because you have to use anti virus programs.
I don't give a shit what computer you use..mine works perfectly, same as the day i got it..and I'll never go back to using those boxes they sell as computers.
PCs are cheap so that when it fucks up you can go buy another cheap pc.
spend the extra cash and get yourself something that will last.

really, if you havent owned both a pc and mac...your opinion is useless.


Well-Known Member
macs are made for computer tards? not quite.
Im dogging on PCs because you have to use anti virus programs.
I don't give a shit what computer you use..mine works perfectly, same as the day i got it..and I'll never go back to using those boxes they sell as computers.
PCs are cheap so that when it fucks up you can go buy another cheap pc.
spend the extra cash and get yourself something that will last.

really, if you havent owned both a pc and mac...your opinion is useless.
I've had both a pc and mac for roughly the same time, and guess what. Im still on the pc and the mac stopped working. Although really arguiing over this is useless. For some people the mac wins hands down, and for some the pc does. They are both great machines, but I prefer a pc.


Well-Known Member
I've had both a pc and mac for roughly the same time, and guess what. Im still on the pc and the mac stopped working. Although really arguiing over this is useless. For some people the mac wins hands down, and for some the pc does. They are both great machines, but I prefer a pc.
why did your mac stop working? only problem I've had with mine in the 4 years I've had it is that recently the battery has shit out on me so I have to keep it plugged up now until I can get a new battery..other than that its worked flawlessly.
It all comes down to what you primarily use your computer for as to which is better for you.


Well-Known Member
I have a PC. Next will most likely be a PC but I really do like Macs.

A Mac would be nice but they are too much money IMO. The PC that I have cost a 1/4 of what a macbook cost and does what I want it to do.

I basically use it to surf the net, email, and some word / excel. My PC has never crashed nor have I had any problems. I think for my needs either will be more than adaquate but I think the Mac is a more attractive package. I have a dog and little things that the Mac has like the magnetic power cord is nice to keep her from knocking the computer off of the coffee table if she gets tangled.


Well-Known Member
why did your mac stop working? only problem I've had with mine in the 4 years I've had it is that recently the battery has shit out on me so I have to keep it plugged up now until I can get a new battery..other than that its worked flawlessly.
It all comes down to what you primarily use your computer for as to which is better for you.
call apple and see if you can smooth talk ur way in to a DIY battery repair, IE they send you a new battery. they did it for me out of warranty (with NO hassle), and thats why i rate their support above the rest.