pc/ultimate scrog grow yield!


Active Member
Nice. I didn't see that my last grow they were all white first then brownish.
But if you say it's normal cool :-]
Any suggestions on the screen should I lower it a little?


Well-Known Member
dont know waiting for a pic lol. but just put it somewhere and leave it worst case it overgrows the screen screen useless but hold the structure it will work out do what you fell it best.

it could be over fertilization, if you overfert you can get some brown pistils, if the light is too close if the air is too dry. i dont get a lot of brown hairs early but it does happen. should be all white and wispy but ive have some strains that will act like they are starting to finish then suddenly grow again in waves or bursts.


Active Member
Yea I can't upload pics from my phones for some reason.
I do think it might be over fert.
I have fox farm oceanforest soil and I was adding nutes I just flushed last watering im going to do one more
Flush then back to nutes but a lower dosage.

Yea I kinda want to take of the screen and lst the 4 main colas cuz it looks like other then those colas
No more budsights are coming out.
So im thinking lst and get really tall long 4 colas
Or scrog and get little colas and only 4 of them.
And according to my size it looks like my buds are only gonna be
4inches big so I hope their fat

I do see 2 little bidsighta coming up from the bottom of the stem hopefully
It makes it up their through out time
It makes it 6 bud sights =D

I also took some picture of the plat out of the screen and cleaned my box a little
:) will upload them tonight sorry haven't has a chance :)


Well-Known Member
be patient, your plant was barely ready to flower when you flipped the lights more branches will come with time. scrogging is all about patience which is why i don't do it :)


Active Member
You think so.
I've seenpc grows get 2oz out of it
But im really not sure what I would get I have 196w of cfl.
I really hope I get at least 10g.

I will scrog then either way I want to scrog from now on with
A 250w do what better way of practicing then with a PC case =D.

I'll wait and see if I get more bud sights.
Week 3 of flower this Saturday =D


Active Member
Alright now im nervous lmfao..
I just have to be patient (FUCK) lol.

So I know now I will see more bidsights through out time.
I just read a thread about scrog. And they had a bigger grow box
Than me and they only begged for 1month 4wks.

Now nervous because it might over grow
I begged for 3weeks -_-"
I'm just gonna let time tell fuck it.

But I will upload pics tonight to see if I should lower my screen =D


Well-Known Member
no need to be nervous, say you 12/12 after a seedling has been on 24/0 for like 2 weeks barely into veg, its and 8 week flowering plants from the point of 12/12 you can add about 3-4 where it will just grow and fill in before it actually begins to flower. during this time youll see pistil and all that ect. but it will still take about 10-12 weeks to finish its flowering cyle.

no worries man youll definitely get more than 10g. your doing pretty good thus far, need to stop flushing and over feeding but youll get those things under control soon enough.


Active Member
thanks mann. and yea i just saw more pistils come out i cant wait till it fills up good :)
well this isnt an update but i wont be here for the update cause im going out of town.
so ill make it an update i guess..
Is my screen to high up?
Is 4inches enough space for budz to grow?
Any estimate/guesses of what you guys think my yield will be?
lets play the guessing game and see who gets the closses to the dry yield i only vegged for 3weeks and i have 196w of cfl)
Should i trim any leafs maybe the ones with the yellow dryed up tips?
or am i getting to inpatient lol)
thanks for all your help and happy growing!!!
Its not leds lol but idk how this picture came out like that but it looks awesome lol



Well-Known Member
pretty sat. yeah over fert for sure! slow down regular water for a week or 2, and let that soil dry up a little looks like you have been over watering.(soil looks alright right now) yea i would trim away the dead yellow parts of the leaf IMO it encourages growth.

no need to move the screen. GET RID OF THAt GLASS its just blocking light there is no UV in standard lights to worry about(for the most part UVA and UVB are a good thing) you got plenty of room for buds to grow. it is now finally looking like it is about to start flowering.

yield off 4 or 5 colas? hmm i would a at least a 5g(dry, 9 or 10 wet) bud each.


Well-Known Member
they will start branching off about now near the top of the cola these branches are the one you want to start weaving into the screen also you can start trimming the bottom stuff one the first cola get above the screen. just try to avoid shock, the best way to get a good grow is fuck with the plant less often.

avoid flushing too. no need to just let the plant work through the fertilizer. i usually only use a 1/4 dose when adding synthetic nutes in soil.


Active Member
Well the glass is holding up my lights. And I want my buds to grow all the way to touch the glass =D
yea I flushed once this week and im going to flush one more time.
But ima have to water tonight because im leaving out of town till Monday.
As for trimming I'll do that tonight.
And thanks for the advice now it's about time =D


Well-Known Member
yep its all about time. try to find a way to suport you light other thna the glass, you want you buds to grow all the way into the CFL(JK) but it isnt that bad ive had buds touch CFLs and T12s when i first started growing with no negative effects, they can dry out but it would be better for your setup without the glass.


Active Member
Does the glass take light intensity away or something.
It gets really dusty so I wipe it down everyday?
But will it cause me to lose yield cause of it or weight?


Well-Known Member
yeah that type of glass(green/ soda lime glass) can block up to 20% of the light so yeah it will take away from yield.


Active Member
Then im taking the glass off lol
Ima try and I find out how to hangs the lights cause the multipal plug extension cord thing doesn't hold
Them up.
My glass isn't that big fat green glass though?.
And it very very thin.
Ita the kind you can cut with a little
Cheap glass cutter


Well-Known Member
its still that glass lol. any ways use zip ties(electrical section at hardware store or walmart) a growers best friend along with foil tape and scissors.


Active Member
Lol zipties I do have =D
I'll see what magic I can do with those zipties.
Matchbox gave me how cure method.

But im looking at other suggestions but browsing around
Pretty much everybody kinda does the same drying and curing.

Do you have any special way of doingg it?


Well-Known Member
hmm to explain my process is complicated since i do it all by eye putting into words the things i look for can be difficult.

basically wait till the outer edges are crispy before jarring and open and close the jar as often as you can for the first few days. every 45 min, 15min open is fine.

people make it too complicated, the truth is if you shit tastes bad you harvested to early. when you think your stuff is done wait 2 weeks. i dont do the whole trich thing, i just go by appearance but the truth is they will tell you when they are done because when you really get up close and just inspect the smells it will no longer have that "plant" smell, it will smell completely like the stuff you want to smoke. calyxs will be fatter than what they where and hairs will be mostly brown(70-80%)leaves will have some yellow at the edges normally.