pc vent 3 all black wire

the cable that you see up is only for speed...down is 2 cable from addapter and 3 from fan...and I random connect 1 from fan to 1 from addapter and every possible between them three but nothing

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One is +12v, one is -12v, and the other is speed output.

Mark the wires 1, 2 and 3.

Attach wire 1 to +12V on the adapter. Attach wire 2 and then 3 to -12V.
If none work, or spins wring way, attach wire 2 to +12V then try wires 1 and 3 on -12V.
Repeat for wire 3.

If none work, you have a dead fan or a dead power supply.
i try all this option but nothig work...on addapter I have red dot that light when is on and light when I pluged it to the wall so no dead adapterr and the fan I buy yesterday so really doesnt know what is happening ??

And i cant take the fan to pc store because I already cut the wires to connect with addapter

And could the 3 wire be the ground....because I have seperate wire for 1 and 2 speed...

And on 1 and 3 wire from the fan are lines...

on first its ------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
on third ----- ------- ------ ------- ------- ------- -------- ---

and betwen is wire that have small signature on it but I cant read it that kind a small font...

so I guess that i connect 1. and 3. but that didnt put fan on


I didnt try this method when I connect 2 wire from fan to 1 wire to addapter....

So I cant burn fan or addapter if I connect 2 wire from fan to 1 from addapter...
what if I connect plus and minus of fan together and connect it to one wire of addapter and that 3 speed wire to second on addapter...
what happens ??
ok I set this thing on..

but now i have another problem...this vent produce green led light on every corner...from the picture you can see 4 silver copper wire that goes to corner where leds are...

so what if i cut that silver wire....fire issue ???