

Well-Known Member
Humorous story indeed Skye1... but was one that was rather fucked up at the same time. I would of clipped my cousin for pulling such a prank and at the same time when you proved hero to his ass... and still for some cracked out reason rats on you to your mom!

Lame head written all over it!


Active Member
yea, needless to say i havnt talked to him since...but hey, it makes for a great story lol


New Member
Ive done PCP 2 times. 1 was pretty terrifying the other was meh just weird, not really enjoyable.

The 1st time was 6 years ago. That time I had heard of PCP but didnt really know much about it. I bought a 20 dollar bag of weed which looked like complete shit and was much stickier, and chemical tasting than normal. I ate over half in a cookie then smoked the rest about 20-30 mins later (unfortunately right when I was coming up off the stuff I ate, increasing the intensity). Keep in mind until I was coming up I still had not even thought it could be laced even though the taste in eating and smoking was very different. I kept getting higher and higher and started to notice it was too intense 5-10 mins into the high. The physical effects were numbness, bad cotton mouth, and sedation like effects. The trip basically consisted of me trying not to die, and having a black orb follow me around (I observed it but didnt really care). I later calculated that my dose was at least 3-4 times higher then a normal dose, and eating it was not good. If I could describe it, it was like being high drunk and sedated at the same time but still awake with slightly psychedelic effects, slight visual and audio hallucinations and very delusional thinking. I was finally able to sleep about 5 hours into the trip and felt some after effects lingering the next day, felt pretty out of it for a week or 2. I couldnt really enjoy anything in the outside world I was too fucked up to pay attention to anything, the only fun part was the carelessness at times. I suspected it was PCP and a while later the guy who sold it to me told me it was laced with it.

The 2nd time was last year. My friend had dipped a cigarette in it, so this time I knew it was PCP and took 3 hits of it. I think this was the right dose because it didnt feel anywhere near as bad as the time before. Physically there was some numbness and sort of felt like being in a video game or unreality. Not as bad cottonmouth. I was able to function pretty well but the world around me was just different. It seemed like I could shape the world how I wanted it to be. Like I was walking down a sidestreet in the dark at night and there was a lot of trees so I imagined I was in something like lord of the rings and it became that in my mind. Then I imagined aliens and government agents were after me and I was someone important, so I thought I saw them behind the trees. Sounds a little schizophrenic. It makes you not care about things much. A little hard to explain exactly, Im planning on doing it at least 2 more times at the right dose, because neither of those times were planned.


Active Member
Yeah i agree

Sounds like you just got really high.

Even bone dry leaves/dips have a STRONG taste and smell. (Even after years) More so the taste after it gets dried......but as soon as you light it up im telling you "death" fills the room.

And by taking huge bong rips of this....lmao. By your first rip you woulda known...heavily.

Your saying you smoked a shitload of this stuff..idk man. That would have a first timer who wasn't expecting it butt naked with thoughts bursting into your head at 1000 mph lol.

It's all in the dose. Next time (if there is). Get a dipped ciggerette and take only 2 pulls. Relax and see if it's for you.
trust me you would know if u were WET.. did you begin to get unreasonably warm?