

Well-Known Member
I got a question for the folks here. I know of an incident where someone is going on trial over manufacture of PCP. Now I don't know the requirements of a PCP lab but I looked up the synthisis and it isn't simple at all. Is there a market for PCP? Do people still use it?

I had always known that PCP was a diverted substance, "borrowed" from pet hospitals and then dried or applied to smokeables or snorted. I thought the stuff was rather pleasant snorted.

Here is the puzzle:

Why would someone with a lab capable of making PCP. . make PCP?
PCP is bad MMMMM-kay :lol:

Sorry I had to get that out of my system.

But on a more serious note, PCP was very popular in the late 80, early 90's in certain close knit circles. Although I've yet to hear of any stories relating the drug to hippy circles ;)


Well-Known Member
I think someone is playing some sort of a game in this sad story. I have been trying to find out some of the particulars and none of it makes sense. I don't know a whole lot about Federal law but I know some bits of this and that pertaining to synthisis and extraction of an assortment of chemicals. Some of the charges were dropped in this case, and the initial charges were changed from meth to THC (oil extraction) to PCP. There were terrorism charges in there as well.