PD-600 Portable Vaporizer

So I just picked up one of those PD-600's on Ebay for about 50$ with shipping. Anyone have any reviews on it? Is it worth the money? Any help is much appreciated.
If it shoots out any vapor it will be worth the money. $50 is a good deal. Tell us how it works. For $50 I'll consider picking one up.

The only portable that I have heard rave reviews about it the Iolite but that is like $250. I cant justify it.
Ok, so here is my review:

I got the vp-600 first of all. I made a mistake when i wrote this thread title. Anyways...I got it in the mail yesterday...It took about 3 days to get here so definitely try prissy high society out as a store because their shipping is great. So anyways, the mini vape came in a little blue box that looks like a book...very discrete. It comes with everything you need (minus butane ofcourse) and is very simple to use.
First step, fill the butane cartridge. Second raise the lid and third pull the trigger. The butane heats up a ceramic piece that encases a small metal bowl for herb. The bowl is pretty small...making this vape really a one or two person device. Heat up time is around a minute and a half to two minutes. It vapes pretty well but the butane flow isnt constant so you have to watch the trigger and keep it burning. It works so I am happy. Here is my list of pros and cons:

Small, Discrete, easy to use, vapes
Heat produces a burning scent...not super palpable but enough to notice (if you're not high)
butane flow isn't constant (not that big of a deal)
Super small bowl--it gets about 5-6 hits

Overall I think it was worth it.
I'l post some pics once I get a chance.
Let me know what's up, if you get one or something.

I know someone with that same vape its a nice little thing.I never hit it though.I still prefer blunts though.
Got my PD-600 last night. It seems to work great once ya figure out the vap temp. I was telling my friend tho. it's takes away from the other joys, such as loading the bowl & passing it. I think it takes away from that part of the experience. Plus, they directions are kinda lame. They say it will "start working in about a min", it takes probably 3 mins. depending upon content. It's a great ay to get ya buzz & save ya lungs alittle at the sametime