PE and DMT!


Active Member
Man, I'm really glad to hear it. That sounds like stuff I've done before while really high, but I can't imagine it on that much higher a plane. Curiosity piqued again.. haha.

The birth, death and dreaming relation.. The idea of anything that alters the chemical balance in the brain such that it literally effects the "controlled psychedelic experience" that is our perception is amazing to me, but something that's so closely tied to basically everything we can't understand, i.e. birth, death and so forth, is just a whole nother level, a truly beautiful concept. I'll go ahead and figure if this summer doesn't go tryptamine-ified, I'll be severely disappointed. Thanks for giving me the nudge I needed to finally decide to go for it, I'll give a brother a rep for that. ;)


Man, I'm really glad to hear it. That sounds like stuff I've done before while really high, but I can't imagine it on that much higher a plane. Curiosity piqued again.. haha.

The birth, death and dreaming relation.. The idea of anything that alters the chemical balance in the brain such that it literally effects the "controlled psychedelic experience" that is our perception is amazing to me, but something that's so closely tied to basically everything we can't understand, i.e. birth, death and so forth, is just a whole nother level, a truly beautiful concept. I'll go ahead and figure if this summer doesn't go tryptamine-ified, I'll be severely disappointed. Thanks for giving me the nudge I needed to finally decide to go for it, I'll give a brother a rep for that. ;)
dont be severely disappointed bro..... make your dreams happen, sounds corny as shit, but small steps lead to larger ones.... it's what i'm trying now anyway :)


Active Member
I highly suggest either letting your DMT dry much further, or you can put it in small glass container remelt it very carefully and slowly as to not let it vaporize or boil really, and set it to dry and harden (That is the best way for me to get trace solvent out) It looks to still be wet with solvent, do not smoke any until properly dried. Smoking solvent is not any good for you.

Other then that, nice PE :D they look tasty haha


Well-Known Member
you better find yourself some zink powder so long to refresh your stash when it starts to go off... That load would last me a lifetime.


Active Member
thanx blue, actually those pics were taken before i let that sit open for 24hr.
Ohh well really its recommended to put it in the open air for 3 or more days because unless you remelt it like I said you could have some trace solvent, and some solvent just changes the experience and can make you nauseous. Just lookin out for your well being brotha

And even when you think it is dry, still very very very small amounts of solvent may be left.. And plus low heat slowly until it melts will not cause harm to the molecule, it has worked really great for me, then you just carve out doses from the hardened dmt.


Well-Known Member
never heard of it done that way blue, i may try that with a small amout. thanx for the info.

ANC, what do u mean about the zink powder? what does that do?


Well-Known Member
Well you can use the zink to turn the oxide form, (the yellow gooh it changes to), back into freebase.


WOW i cant wait to actually expirience this trip! I want to so bad i actually have had dreams about smoking it lol. Swim already have all the ingredients. only problem is im not sure where to get reliable MHRB at, ive ben to a few links and they all seem alil shady, idk maybe im just paranoid, But if there is anyone with an idea of a trustful place online, them a PM will be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Shit, ja, if you are serious, just try any one of them and only order $20 worth... you can make at least 20 BIG doses from that.