Well-Known Member
That's funny as SHIT.i grow catnip. little pot of it off to the side. search the net for seeds!
That's funny as SHIT.i grow catnip. little pot of it off to the side. search the net for seeds!
Ok that last ending line was like REALLY deep and freaked me out a little bit. Come on now man I'm stoned... No talk about this WHAT THE FUCK IS LIFE shit whoa... We see this they see this but a different part a different side to it... WTF goooodbye.
You know what?? You don't even see the compassion in my post...too bad [and I don't have to use 4-letter words to get MY point across]. No, you can't silence me...go ahead and sit in your received some comraderie here [and compassion] from members, pal. I am so VERY happy that I don't have YOUR chip on my shoulder. Kindness, bud....that's what people respond to...not your attitude...[man, I need a BIG hit after that...]You dont know what I'm goin through in life so just shut it... I'm tired of everyone asking me questions that are clearly explained they want a quick answer instead of learning.. I was high as shit when I wrote both those post (this and the grow journal one)
Mogie and Major Toke Neither of ya did anything you both have been the realest and made me feel like home here.
I'll do whoever said that one thing and just sit in the dark corner and just watch people....
Nongreen also pmed me and I'll take his advice since he wanted me to stay...
But people if you don't know what you're talking about then just shutup (me included) If you want an answer for it SEARCH for it before you ask the same thing that's been asked 4billion times.
I'm about growing Whatever I can to just stay high if that's against what this sites about then I must be in the wrong site....
but w/e I'm just keeping my mouth shut from now on.
GL all, time to go light one up
Can you believe that on the back on my cat's catnip container it really says "this product is not addictive" and "should be stored in a cool, dry place to maintain potency". Sound familiar?
LOL a few years ago we convinced a friend to smoke catnip and slipped him half a mescaline with a beer. for months he swore he had found the next big thing.
Okay, EVERYONE, and I mean everyone that has been following this...I tried UNDERSTANDING, I tried COMPASSION , I even tried, really tried, and now I see how inmature this [20 year old]person is..............................I'm comin' at ya' now, don't have the CAPACITY of the marijuana experience, and, to quote my FRIEND, Krusty the Klown, "YOU SIR, are an IDIOT". You worthless piece of ME [YEA ME] a HUGE favor....................Stick your head up your ass and frickin' DIE!!!!!!!!! You JUST DON'T GET IT!!! You said you were leaving the site, and you keep posting.....well, do ME the favor, and don't post a reply to this thread, and I'll know you meant what you started out to do.......GOOD Lord, you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pathetic...Wow here comes mister angery at the world here. Do at least ME a favor and don't talk to me ever again. If you've been reading you'd see my point as well as others here... People need to lighten the fuck up and THATS what pissed me off. Everyone is acting like some bitches in here. Like growing Cannabis is like some secret underground thing... Dude a lot of people grow that shit man. Lighten up JOKE around grow a shitty batch of weed even IF you already know what the outcome will be. Who gives a fuck.
But I don't need to go to a corner... No time out mommy. I'm sorry but no one is trying to silence you and no one will silence me. So I'm gunna continue to get blazed everyday and show the REAL side of smoking marijuana. The "It's a FUN thing to do. To RELAX and enjoy your life" side of marijuana NOT the "Ooooh I'm soo creepy I grow marijuana, fear me I'm a rebal against the government" side of it.
Yes, I sure do...but this ASSHOLE called me out, in ALL my compassion and understanding, and really challenged me. Please, tell this ASSHOLE to give it a rest and apoligize [not to me, because I don't care; I made my point], but to this very FINE forum. It's ALL the member's that he is insulting with his you guys ever get tired of this???
ZERO...go away!!Oh and I never once said I knew everything about Growing BITCH theres a five letter word for ya