peak harvest for CBD rich strain?


Well-Known Member
wondering if anyone can chime in on the peak harvest for CBD rich strains?

I am guessing if you want some THC effect as well to harvest when all is milky and if no THC effect desired harvesting when mostly amber?

What is the best time to harvest for peak CBD content?
Good question. I'd like to know that also. I would guess more or less at peak maturity- mostly milky.
CBD is genetically determined and cbn is from thc going to pot, hehe. So harvest whenever it seems mature for either thc or cbd.

That was thc degrades into cbn which gives you a tired, fuzzy type high.

Is there any recent information on peak CBD content?

Is it like stated above? Meaning peak is all cloudy regardless of if it's a thc or cbd rich variety...

Ive got some Cannatonic girls that are pretty much all cloudy and I'm wondering if I'm in the peak CBD window....


Stay hazed,
I agree 100 % ,just has the heads turn a light milky Color ,not the normal Amber Color ,I have picked at both stages with cannatonic and medi haze and it worked far better been picked a tad early,you will find that if you pick when there milky they will Color more during the dry,I do not cure for month 6 week then I make oil from it ,
I agree 100 % ,just has the heads turn a light milky Color ,not the normal Amber Color ,I have picked at both stages with cannatonic and medi haze and it worked far better been picked a tad early,you will find that if you pick when there milky they will Color more during the dry,I do not cure for month 6 week then I make oil from it ,

Right on man!
Thanks for posting.

I will take your word for it and harvest at the first sign of degradation. Any day now.

How'd you like the medi-haze?

Stay hazed,
Worked a treat dude,but found I needed a high thc for night time sleep wise ,oil from livers x exodus or Jack herer but the high cbd strains are great for pain and chilling,work wise ,you will find that by picking at that stage by the time it's dry it colored more,I'm hopefully doing a cbd queen grow at a friends in the next few week,from msnl that is supposed to be really nice meds,I have some oil from it and it helps with both sleep and the pain during the day ,really good medical strain,I found it better than cannatonic,and medi haze ,just for the sleep thing
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but saying that we have to go on how they make us feel,in the legal situation we are in ,in the uk so it may be a tad higher thc but I still high cbd,I changed things up and took this one at night but doubled dose,worked a treat .

Is there any recent information on peak CBD content?

Is it like stated above? Meaning peak is all cloudy regardless of if it's a thc or cbd rich variety...

Ive got some Cannatonic girls that are pretty much all cloudy and I'm wondering if I'm in the peak CBD window....


Stay hazed,
Hey mate I know it’s an old thread but how did you go with the end result? I’ve got cannatonic outside now at around 7 weeks flower and trying to work out if I should chop or wait?
Ended up losing it through a friend been a dick ,he was keeping it at his house .lost it in end because he was never in.The one I had was pretty good for its medical value ,I would say it was prob around 12 % cbd thc equal value ,but hard to say.Im saying that through years of working with Cbd,But good news is a friends sending me some cannatonic beans