Peak Weed

perhaps you've heard of peak oil, well peak weed is coming too.. that is the point in the future when so many folks are getting into commercial growing that they end up flooding the market and bringing the price down to near nil.. think of all the other agricultural fads gone wrong like emus, llamas, ginseng, etc etc etc.. where a bunch of folks get an idea in their head at the same time and then there's a mad rush and soon a stampede.. try giving a llama away nowadays lol.. in the end we will win..

I can't fucking WAIT!

7 grams gets you 4 years in prison in Oklahoma. Anyone who would do that to ANOTHER HUMAN BEING FOR 7 GRAMS OF A WEED IS THE actual shameful the way we've been treated for all these years. And folks wonder why I'm angry. But now these assholes want your green rush money....anyone else puke in their mouth ??

Hey, I'm a felon for the horrible crime of growing a medicinal plant in my own basement.

I know better than to think it's anything but politically motivated.
It would be pretty tough to resell LP meat left on the bone.
Not really
I hear of all sorts of people selling their 7-8 dollar lp shwag for 10-15 a gram and people are buying it.

So I guess that means the costs for smaller amounts have gone up