peanut butter


Active Member
dude! peanut butter is delish but you haven't lived until you try sunflower seed butter- it's almost the same consistency as peanut butter and it's really sweet and yummy and oh my god i wish i had some right now :eyesmoke:
i love taking a huge spoonful of peanut butter and eating it like ice cream hahaha especially when i'm really stoned :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Little offtopic, but someone mentioned PB and bananas...

Do you know their secret job in the world?

To be eaten as thin cold round slices sprinkled over your curry... you will never want curry without bananas again...

Back to PB.


Well-Known Member
i love taking a huge spoonful of peanut butter and eating it like ice cream hahaha especially when i'm really stoned
hahahaha, damn, i didnt even think of that! have to try it! i have only chrunchy ones right now :)

Little offtopic, but someone mentioned PB and bananas...
pb b sandwich is WAY TO GO!!! its not sweet but its sooo tasty! LOVE IT!!!!

damn, is it better than nutella?
wow, many from you like nutella... i cant eat a bit of it lol :D


Well-Known Member
I like that goober stuff or whatever its called that has peanut butter stripes and jelly stripes in a jar mmmmm. its good =D the jelly is awesome and the peanut butter is sweet and creamy