Peat Moss, Perlite and Dolomite Lime!


Active Member
So I just picked up some peat moss, perlite and dolomite lime...Im mixing it 30% perlite to 70% peat and gonna go by the rule of 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil. What you guys think of that as my growing medium??

Also, just wondering about nutes and when to start giving them with this mix? I have 3 germed seeds that im going to move from the soil its in into my new mix! I originally was going to go with coco and use canna coco A+B. What nutes do I use with peat, perlite and when do I need to start giving them nutes? I have read that you should wait until there are 3-4 sets of true leaves if grown in soil. Does this still apply if im using peat moss, perlite and lime?


Well-Known Member
This was my plan as well this year. Seemed like a great idea, but givin the short amount of time I had, and reading how long it takes for dolomite lime to correct the ph, I decided it wasnt a good idea on short notice. So unless youve had your mix sitting for awhile, the peat is gonna be too acidic


Active Member
This was my plan as well this year. Seemed like a great idea, but givin the short amount of time I had, and reading how long it takes for dolomite lime to correct the ph, I decided it wasnt a good idea on short notice. So unless youve had your mix sitting for awhile, the peat is gonna be too acidic
Any way to counter this with PH Up or something?

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
What you are mixing up is very close to Pro Mix. I have never had a low ph problem with peat mixes. It seems pretty neutral to me. I used to use lime and now I don't and I don't notice any difference. I don't think you can go wrong with Dynagro of Floranova complete nutes.