Peat moss starter or solo cups for autos with coco?


Was wondering since autos really can't afford a recovery time with transplanting if I could use peat cups but wasn't for if they would break down
as well in coco as they do soil? I know I could go from germinating straight to the finish pot, but would like to keep them in the dome for as long
as possible. Any advice would be appreciated and thank you in advanced, there are some pretty good & educated folks on here. Thanks again RIU.

Also, ideally how many gallons should be used for autos since I really have no control over there final height?


Well-Known Member
Well that's a very specific question and perhaps nobody has experience. Regarding the little peat pots...even in soil, I always tear the bottom out to allow roots room to grow.

And a transplant is not a setback. Yes, plant has to slow down a bit to grow roots...but overall growth will be better then if you put a small plant into a large pot with no transplants.

Seedlings sometimes don't like I'd suggest a starter mix in solo cups and then into the coco after a few weeks.

Be sure to pre-treat the coco correctly.


Thank you for the response JD. As far as pre-treating the coco, what would you recommend? I have FF nutes & Superthrive on hand and have already rinsed the piss out of it.
Also for a starter mix, would 50/50 Happy Frog & Coco with some perlite be ok? I do have some Ocean Forest but have been told it's to hot for seedings. Thank you again JD.


Well-Known Member
The Happy Frog and coco sounds good. Perlite probably not needed but won't hurt anything. I'm not an experienced coco grower. Used it a little but have seen all the threads people post about coco issues. Rinsing is good, hopefully with phed water. And a soak with some calmag and you should be good to go. But please read up and don't just trust me.


The Happy Frog and coco sounds good. Perlite probably not needed but won't hurt anything. I'm not an experienced coco grower. Used it a little but have seen all the threads people post about coco issues. Rinsing is good, hopefully with phed water. And a soak with some calmag and you should be good to go. But please read up and don't just trust me.
I am, learning a lot here there's a lot there, thank you. But wondering bout the ph if mixing coco & soil.
I guess split the difference somewhere around 6-6.2 until I get to the full coco then go 5.8.