Pedro's Questions & Answers Thread


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys & Girls,

This thread is a placeholder for my friend 'Pedro' to put his questions that he would like answered by all you knowledgeable peeps! He would like to thank any of you who can help and welcomes those who have questions that they have not found the answers to using the method below:

Keyword: Search term such as 'pot' or 'light' or 'grow' etc or even 'I'm a dumbass who can't be bothered to search for shizzle and needs to be baby spoon fed all my information' (ok scratch that last one :D)
1. Go to "Search"
2. Click on "Advanced Search"
3. Enter your search terms that you want to find threads on
4. Change the drop down to "Titles Only"
5. Click "Go"

What this thread is NOT:

  • This thread is NOT a place for those of you who think you are all knowledgeable to vent on newbs and to pwn them
  • This thread is NOT a place where newbs can come to be catered to and have everyone do the work for them - That's what the GROWFAQ is for!
  • This thread is NOT a place for you to cause sh!t or be a general french shower bag
Most of all I want to thank all of you in advance for helping answering, raising questions and for those peeps being patient, loving and kind in helping noobs out!

With that said, let's get this b!tch started!



Well-Known Member
1. With Germinating and growing in general, what is the standard for counting days etc do you count from when you first soak the seed, when the seed is planted, when it breaks through or um when?

2. When they say it takes "x" days to flower are they counting from the day you change the light schedule over to 12/12 or?