Peeking Roots


Well-Known Member
Normal,nothing to worry about unless the plants actually showing signs of stress from being root-bound.


I don't know what the tell tale signs are for root bound. But it does seem like there is plenty of space for the plant to grow.


Well-Known Member
Slower growth,drooping leaves that don't seem like they're filling out all the way are generally the early signs.


So can I get a consensus that trimming them is ok? The leaves to like a bit droops but I thought that was norm?... any thoughts


Active Member
trimming some of the longer roots is fine but should be limited, i can tell you how many times iv had to trip roots that were clogging up my drainage hole. they will be fine but dont do it continually just if its causing some issue. if its just poking out the bottom the light will probably shrivel it up anyhow.