Pelt's First Grow Box and Indoor Grow Journal

So my main flowering cab has been empty for nearly a 1½ months.

I ordered my current favorite strain, Jock Horror from Nirvana. My seeds arrive, five of them, and so far, I have 4 failures to sprout. I have never had this happen before and I hope Nirvana will help me out. Even if they give me credit, I'll still have to pay for shipping again. This sucks, as I've never really had germ problems before.

In fact, so far I've successfully germed and grown about 6 seeds from a NL plant that hermied on me. So me having trouble with seeds straight from the source seems odd. Hopefully this last seed sprouts with no problem?

Wow! I just realized that the order was placed and I received AUTO-FLOWERS!!!!!

I totally didn't mean to order autos. Eeek, I'll have to order some more. I'm so waaaay behind now.
Group J(JH_HermSeed): COMPLETED Day 3 of Flower
Group A(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 58 of Flower

Group B(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 71 and 72 of Flower
Group C(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 69 of Flower
Group D(Jock Horror): COMPLETED Day 96 and 103 of Flower
Group E(Jock Horror): COMPLETED Day 89 of Flower
Group F(Bagseed): COMPLETED - BUST Day 72 of Flower
Group G(Northern Lights_Hermseed): COMPLETED Day 93 of Flower
Group H(Northern Lights_Hermseed): COMPLETED Day 94 of Flower
Group I(Northern Lights_HermSeed): COMPLETED Day 98 of Flower

I started what I HOPE is a Jock Horror seed I found in a bag of Jock Horror Scuff I had laying around. I do not know 100% for sure what this seed is, but I am hoping it is a JH strain. Sex is also unknown at this point. I am way behind, by several months where I would like to be. I'm really looking forward to my new batch of JH seeds arriving.
Group J(JH_HermSeed): CURRENTLY Day 10 of Flower
Group K(?_NirvanaMysterySeed): CURRENTLY Day 1 of Flower
Group L(JH_FemSeed): CURRENTLY Day 0 of Flower

Group A(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 58 of Flower

Group B(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 71 and 72 of Flower
Group C(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 69 of Flower
Group D(Jock Horror): COMPLETED Day 96 and 103 of Flower
Group E(Jock Horror): COMPLETED Day 89 of Flower
Group F(Bagseed): COMPLETED - BUST Day 72 of Flower
Group G(Northern Lights_Hermseed): COMPLETED Day 93 of Flower
Group H(Northern Lights_Hermseed): COMPLETED Day 94 of Flower
Group I(Northern Lights_HermSeed): COMPLETED Day 98 of Flower

Just an update. I've finally got my flowering cab close to capacity again. Put things in flowering pretty early this time.

Group J:
Still unsure of the sex of this one? I think it's looking like a male, but I think everything looks like a male before it shows gender.
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Group K:
With the first batch of JH I got, Nirvana was giving away 10 free seeds with every order. The seeds strain is unknown, as is the sex. So you can see i'm using smaller ½ gallon pots, as I don't want to waste much space on something that might wind up being male, and I knew I would have some known female seeds arriving. I will continue to plant these random seeds 1-2 at a time. You can see one looks a tad different, with different shaped fan leaves.

Group L:
Got my new batch of JH fem seeds.... NON-AUTO this time. I put one in the soil yesterday. It hasn't sprouted yet, so it will be a while before it goes into flower.

hey buddy been a while since ive signed on here. glad you got some plant back up and going in the case. i just ordered 5 delicious seeds fruity chronic juice the other day. i only have one auto in my new dresser now. how ya been? i now use my pc case for seedlings/veg.

later man
Group J(JH_HermSeed): CURRENTLY Day 53 of Flower
Group L(JH_FemSeed): CURRENTLY Day 21 of Flower
Group M(JH_FemSeed): CURRENTLY Day 3 of Flower
Group N(JH_FemSeed): CURRENTLY Day 0 of Veg
Group A(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 58 of Flower

Group B(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 71 and 72 of Flower
Group C(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 69 of Flower
Group D(Jock Horror): COMPLETED Day 96 and 103 of Flower
Group E(Jock Horror): COMPLETED Day 89 of Flower
Group F(Bagseed): COMPLETED - BUST Day 72 of Flower
Group G(Northern Lights_Hermseed): COMPLETED Day 93 of Flower
Group H(Northern Lights_Hermseed): COMPLETED Day 94 of Flower
Group I(Northern Lights_HermSeed): COMPLETED Day 98 of Flower
Group K(?_NirvanaMysterySeed): CURRENTLY BUST-MALE Day 46 of Flower

Just updating this since the site got hacked. Entire tracking of my schedule is completely effed up now :(

Group J(JH_HermSeed): CURRENTLY Day 75 of Flower
Group L(JH_FemSeed): CURRENTLY Day 43 of Flower
Group M(JH_FemSeed): CURRENTLY Day 25 of Flower
Group N(JH_FemSeed): CURRENTLY Day 22 of Veg
Group A(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 58 of Flower

Group B(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 71 and 72 of Flower
Group C(Northern Lights): COMPLETED Day 69 of Flower
Group D(Jock Horror): COMPLETED Day 96 and 103 of Flower
Group E(Jock Horror): COMPLETED Day 89 of Flower
Group F(Bagseed): COMPLETED - BUST Day 72 of Flower
Group G(Northern Lights_Hermseed): COMPLETED Day 93 of Flower
Group H(Northern Lights_Hermseed): COMPLETED Day 94 of Flower
Group I(Northern Lights_HermSeed): COMPLETED Day 98 of Flower
Group K(?_NirvanaMysterySeed): CURRENTLY BUST-MALE Day 46 of Flower

Updating days/schedule. Likely another 20 days on Group J, which is in the center pot in pic. Also, as a general note, and I seem to say it every grow, but I'm soooo proud of how green these babies are so late into the grow!! These are definitely the greenest plants I've grown so far. Also, no topping on any of these, just LST, along with starting them from seed in their final potting containers, so no issues of them getting rout-bound in their dixie cups. I think this has seriously helped their growth.

Pic below is Group N in Veg.

Something else that is different for this grow is the soil I've been using. Usually I use FFOF, and have had ok results, only that it seems like it would be a bit harsh on my grows in the very beginning, burning my new seeds and such. But other than that it was fine.

Well for these last grows I started a few months ago, I went to purchase some more FFOF, but didn't feel like driving all the way to the grow shop I usually purchase my soil from. So I went to a garden store that is a bit closer. And the closest organic type of soil they had that was similar to the FF was this stuff called "Dr. Earth." I figured I would give it a try, and it seems like it is a really good soil from what I can tell. I got the stuff called "HomeGrown: Potting Soil." On their site they advertise it for "Indoor & Outdoor Organic Medicine & Herb Gardens for maximum production." Could just be marketing, I dunno, but my plants seem to really like this soil, probably more so than the FF I have used in my prior grows.
So here are some shots of my current flowering situation. It's already day 85, and the oldest in the center still has mainly ALL fresh white hairs. This is the longest I've ever flowered without having a lot of red so far. I think it is due to how green I've been able to keep the plants? There have literally been almost NO leaves that yellowed and fell of the plant. There were a few of course, but not many at all. I'm very proud of that :0

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dude yessssssssssssss looking real good. did you get things going "over there" yet? it wont be long and my cab will look like that

dude yessssssssssssss looking real good. did you get things going "over there" yet? it wont be long and my cab will look like that


Thanks boss. I've been posting. I'm not sure how I want to present my journal yet though? Wether or not I want to post the entire thing..... just post a link to this one and say go through it if you wish, or just pick up where I left off? I kinda dont want to half-ass it, but then its a lot of work.
just pick up at this point and somewhat start a new one. well thats what id do. with our set ups im sure we both will be at it for a while lol
I doubt anyone will see this, but I'm starting another grow after about 7-8 years.

This grow, I'm just gonna do a simple potted grow.... no grow cabinet. My place has limited light, but I think I will be able to reposition my plants throughout the day to get reasonable sun.

Two of them will remain in dixie cups, the other two will eventually be re-potted into bigger pots.

Don't know how it will turn out, mainly doing this for fun.


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Small update:

Group A(Durban Poison from Nirvana): CURRENTLY Day 6 of Flower
These are the weirdest sprouts I've seen. Super long trunks, not much in the way of pedal development.

I think this is different from my indoor grows, as I would keep the lights directly on top of the plant and adjust over time, so they would grow to a certain HEIGHT before stopping.

These things right now are just growing as if they have all the space in the world. I almost want to put a mesh screen/cage of sorts on top of them that may stop them from growing so tall. But I dunno yet.


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Group A: CURRENTLY Day 96 of
Group B: CURRENTLY Day 48 of

So little update on my experimental Dixie Cup grow that sits in my window.

Group A contains the 3 dixie cups. This group is doing ok, but I thought I'd have seen a little more growth by this time. Vertical height has since stopped.

Group B. This is the smaller plant in the larger pot. You'll notice now there are only 3 dixie cups instead of 4. My plan was to transplant one into the larger pot shown in this new group. However, during my attempt at transplanting, I screwed it up. SO I had to replant a brand new seed on ~August 19th, and it has not grown much. So essentially a waste of the larger pot.


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