I have a very limited world view, and poor understanding of computers, so to me all hacking = Russia.
Is this like how the DNC refused to let the FBI investigate the "hack" which they were so sure Russia did ?
https://www.engadget.com/2017/01/05/fbi-says-dnc-denied-direct-access-to-servers/still spouting inane conspiracy theories parroted verbatim from trump?
you believe this is conspiracy theory/fake news?
thanks for clarifying your "alternate" view of reality.you don't know how a server works. you are parroting inane conspiracy theories based on your misunderstanding.
tell us more about chemtrails.
thanks for clarifying your "alternate" view of reality.
Tell us about IP's dipshit.
Cop. You're very paranoid. The antifa Nazi hunters motivated by meth and hate sound like losers. Democrat losers. Dipshit.
i am far less paranoid than an alaskan who begs for a wall on the mexican border and fears the 4 or 5 muslim people in his town of a few thousand.
fix the rape problem in your state, officer spaghetti noodle.
and that doesn't mean charging rape victims for their rape kits, by the way.
DO AS WE SAY, NOT AS WE DO.yep. full stop.
pence routinely used a personal email to conduct state business as governor, including discussing sensitive issues and homeland security, and was hacked.
he was hacked by someone who sent an email to all of his contacts claiming him and his wife were stranded in the phillipines and needed money to get home. LULZ
the kicker? it was a fucking AOL account.
“If your son or my son handled classified information the way Hillary Clinton did, they'd be court martialed.” - mike pence to tim kaine
Oh, yes they can. They've been practicing making shit like this up for decades now.i'm not sure it was russia.
whoever hacked it got a hold of his contact list and told them that mike and his wife (who he calls "mother") were stranded in the phillipines and they needed to wire money to get them out.
sounds even less sophisticated than the podesta password hack that russia did, which the DNC contacted the FBI about before going ahead.
mike penis just apologized to his contacts and made ANOTHER fucking AOL email account.
all while leading chants of "lock her up" for much less careless and brazen conduct.
you can't make this shit up if you tried.