Pennsylvania MMJ Question


Alright, so I've been a recreational marijuana user for the past 2 years or so and I live in PA. I have medical problems starting with blood problems to anxiety, to anger, to having no appetite, to depression, you name it, and I probably have it. In other words, if I was living in a MMJ legal state, I would have my Rx in no time. My question is, is there any way at ALL for me to receive some sort of MMJ here in PA? Like could my doctor 'pull some strings' or something. I am only 18 years old and was diagnosed with my blood problem when I was only 13 so all the doctors DO have sympathy for me and im sure they feel bad and wouldnt mind writing off a Rx if it was legal. But since PA seems to be ran by a bunch of old uptight assholes that dont know shit about marijuana, I am stuck with being depressed a lot even while on medication. When I used marijuana recreationally, it seems all of my problems don't exist. Basically I'm asking is there ANY WAY AT ALL to obtain Medical Marijuana here in PA...thanks


Well-Known Member
No way. IMO I don't see it changing any time soon either. It seems like the legislators here (one of the largest and most expensive legislatures in the country per capita, btw) are too afraid to even mention something like that out of fear of backlash from the religious right. Just look at the alcohol regulations, they are prohibition era.

toker 10

Active Member
damn mormans....
go to jersey if you must be legal
then again if you need your medicine dont let the law stop you


Where in PA are you located in? I know in Philadelphia they decriminalized possession up to 1 ounce, so if you were to get caught it would only be a citation and no jail time or criminal record. I know there are two bills in the works in PA but who knows if they will ever pass.

HB 1393
SB 1350

I haven't heard any updates on these recently. I really was hoping it would pass in 2010, but now it seems like maybe 2012 at the earliest if at all. NJ it's legal so you could try going there. But you wouldn't be able to use in PA so I'm not sure that really helps or not. I'm in a similar situation as you, but I get daily headaches/migraines and I've been given all kinds of meds. I was taking up to 6 excedrin a day, as well as narcotic pain meds and this resulted in me getting stomach ulcers and bleeding. I want to try marijuana for my headaches but I'm afraid of getting caught and being treated like a criminal. I'm actually considering moving to a more friendly state.
Where in PA are you located in? I know in Philadelphia they decriminalized possession up to 1 ounce, so if you were to get caught it would only be a citation and no jail time or criminal record. I know there are two bills in the works in PA but who knows if they will ever pass.

HB 1393
SB 1350

I haven't heard any updates on these recently. I really was hoping it would pass in 2010, but now it seems like maybe 2012 at the earliest if at all. NJ it's legal so you could try going there. But you wouldn't be able to use in PA so I'm not sure that really helps or not. I'm in a similar situation as you, but I get daily headaches/migraines and I've been given all kinds of meds. I was taking up to 6 excedrin a day, as well as narcotic pain meds and this resulted in me getting stomach ulcers and bleeding. I want to try marijuana for my headaches but I'm afraid of getting caught and being treated like a criminal. I'm actually considering moving to a more friendly state.
I know this is an old thread, but I was just reading up a bit. Both the Senate Bill (SB) and House Bill (HB) are on the ballot in PA this November. There's a large Veteran population here in Philly and I know that most of us are pro-legalization. Vote to legalize it!!