Pennsylvania news?


Well-Known Member
so i haven't been keeping up with the MMJ news on PA. I thought something was going down about 6 months ago, i was just wondering if anyone knew anything about it.
it has another proposal going up this year... Pa may have a bit of a wait. Or may jump in with both feet. It makes it easier when NJ is mmj. DE has a proposal in order, MD and DC have thier things going on..... it's spreading slowly. But if you know anything about PA. It's way conservative. However if you look at the way some laws are getting pushed through ie: slot parlors, and table gaming.... It'll will go medical soon enough. Just keep Rendell in office.
In december, a bill was proposed to the house, and then early in may the SAME EXACT BILL WORD FOR WORD was put in front of the senate. It was obvious that the politicians didn't want to hear what we had to say, but the opposition was horribly prepared with a mother who isolated her kids from the world blaming their drug addictions, and her daughters rape and murder on pot, not the 15 prescription meds the kids were on or the peple they hung out with, or herself for sheltering her kids from reality at all and making them believe we still live in the June Cleaver times.

"Both" bills, "both" as its the same word for word, have been sent to dept of health and welfare, but I don't have a date if or when they will be debating or hearing the case. Get the word out to Pittsburgh NORML or Philly NORML depending on which side of the state your on. NORML's website also has the typical form letters to send to your local representatives. Mike Reese is mine, and his form letter reply basically said "I want to help, but I'm not on the committee so its out of my hands for now"

Keep up the good fight man, I'm fighting for my dad and all the other dialysys patients and cancer survivors in the area. I've seen what the doctors drugs can do, and what MMJ can do, and MMJ is clearly the winner.
NY is voting again in September! It was dead locked even last tiem they voted and that was before Obama said he approved MM.
In december, a bill was proposed to the house, and then early in may the SAME EXACT BILL WORD FOR WORD was put in front of the senate. It was obvious that the politicians didn't want to hear what we had to say, but the opposition was horribly prepared with a mother who isolated her kids from the world blaming their drug addictions, and her daughters rape and murder on pot, not the 15 prescription meds the kids were on or the peple they hung out with, or herself for sheltering her kids from reality at all and making them believe we still live in the June Cleaver times.

"Both" bills, "both" as its the same word for word, have been sent to dept of health and welfare, but I don't have a date if or when they will be debating or hearing the case. Get the word out to Pittsburgh NORML or Philly NORML depending on which side of the state your on. NORML's website also has the typical form letters to send to your local representatives. Mike Reese is mine, and his form letter reply basically said "I want to help, but I'm not on the committee so its out of my hands for now"

Keep up the good fight man, I'm fighting for my dad and all the other dialysys patients and cancer survivors in the area. I've seen what the doctors drugs can do, and what MMJ can do, and MMJ is clearly the winner.

well im not in PA, im from there and spent most of my life there. Im getting my degree and then moving back up there. I hope that by the time i finish my schooling in 2 years ill be able to move there, easily get a MMJ card and be able to grow at least 4 plants.