Pennsylvania to legalize recreational MJ & home cultivation


Well-Known Member
Pennsylvania Governor and legislature will be voting on a bill to legalize recreational marijuana including home cultivation of up to six plants.

The new bill has provisions that would protect employees from being fired for having a nonintoxicating level of THC in their blood. It would also reinstate driving privileges to those convicted of minor cannabis offenses.

The first $5 million would go to state programs aimed at keeping people out of prison, workforce development, and mentoring services in communities that saw a high number of cannabis-related arrests during the War on Drugs.

Additional revenue would go to student-debt forgiveness, affordable housing, and after-school programs.​

H.R. 50 has 25 cosponsors, all Democrats. Almost 60 percent of Pennsylvanians believe this is the time to legalize cannabis. What could help us is the 67-county tour Lt. Gov. Fetterman is embarking on. We encourage people to show up and express their support.”
At least there is something in the bill protecting the workers. Thats a big step in the right direction for all legal states, if it passes.

Michigan needs this type of protection but im sure the "level of intoxication" will be very low.
At least there is something in the bill protecting the workers. Thats a big step in the right direction for all legal states, if it passes.

Michigan needs this type of protection but im sure the "level of intoxication" will be very low.

Who cares at this point.. at least it opens the door to the issue. Take nurses for example, even with a valid medical marijuana card (like SWIM for example)... even if you have a legit recommendation, state card, etc. You can still lose your nursing license for even having THC in your system on Monday from using medical cannabis on Sunday.

And nurses can get urine screened for anything. Medication went missing within your department (even if you weren't working at the time)... urine screening for the entire department! Absolutely 0 intoxication? Doesn't matter! You don't just lose your job, your employer has an obligation to notify the state nursing board (which then suspends your nursing license).

Now you cannot even go and get another job until you go through drug and alcohol programs, counseling, appeal to the state medical board that you're receiving treatment for your drug and alcohol disorder. And then *IF* you do get your nursing license back and are able to get another job, the state nursing board has their eyes on you moving forward. Total bullshit.

The reasoning for this is two fold -- one it is considered a schedule I substance. Physician recommendation or not, it is an illegal substance at the end of the day. And two, if you press hard enough against the argument that it is physician recommended and you are allowed to be a patient too. Then they pull out the state nursing regulations that say you are not allowed to perform the function of nursing if you are seriously ill. And one can only receive a medical marijuana card for a serious illness... sucks!
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It wouldn't surprise me if they eventually come up with a diagnostic test in the field like they have for alcohol. Probably graded on some type of point system. There are urine screens for various levels of THC currently:

Level 1:
  • either the residual traces of a light or occasional consumption (in the last 24-72h).
  • or, a more or less ancient consumption whose traces are being eliminated by the organism.
Level 2
  • either a habit of consumption more or less regular (at least several joints per month).
  • or a rather recent episode of consumption (in the last 48-72h).
  • or a possible resumption of cannabis use, if a previous PreDosage test was positive only at level 1.
Level 3
  • either a habit of regular consumption (probably one to several times a week).
  • or a recent episode of consumption (in the last 48 hours).
  • or a possible resumption of cannabis use, if a previous PreDosage test was positive only at level 1 or 2.
Level 4
  • either a habit of regular consumption (probably daily).
  • or a very recent consumption episode (in the last 24 hours).
  • or a possible resumption of cannabis use, if a previous PreDosage test was positive at lower levels.
Level 5
  • either a very frequent consumption habit (at least several times per day).
  • or a very recent consumption episode (in the last 6-18 hours).
  • or a possible resumption of cannabis use, if a previous PreDosage test was positive at lower levels.