People and Directions...


Well-Known Member
Those dependent upon electronics might be in for big surprise a year from now. While the heightened solar flare activity around the end of the Mayan calender will not cause the end of the world as depicted in the movie etc, it will cause disruptions in wireless communications.

Don't dump that land line just yet, you might be needing it.


Well-Known Member
I think GPS's are stupid.
They make us stupid...

The girls in my family literally stare at the GPS instead of the road, and use the speedometer on the GPS, instead of looking behind the wheel :lol:

You can't learn landmarks, and learn new shit by getting lost when you use a GPS, and when a big enough EMP comes at us from the sun, and electricity stops working, about 75% of America will be like "Well shit, what do we do now?"


Well-Known Member
Using GPS is no different to using a paper map in alot of ways, just it reads out the directions. You can program in your favorite routes review several possible routes and decide which one you want. Since taking many different sat nav routes my mother's discovered alot of links/similarities between routes to different places she never realized before. Sometimes she follows it part of the way and makes up her own mind the rest of the way. We've always been the types that memorise one particular way of getting somewhere and if there is traffic or roadworks then we're fucked- but we've both since opened up to alternate routes. I don't see why someone would look at the sat nav screen when driving? @_ @

When out walking I tend to glance at the map and guesstimate how long it'll take to meet the next major point or trail and memorise the small bits up to that point.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but if you never look at the street, you aren't learning anything. You don't stare at a map as you drive, you look at the road and landmarks. With a GPS, you don't...


Well-Known Member
Maybe you and your mom do, but the girls in my family don't look at the road barely at all when they have a GPS.


Ursus marijanus
Not that long ago google gave me directions... towards the end of the trip lets say with about 50 minutes left of driving it says to take teh exit off the highway... so exit highway... google says to turn down a street... so turn down the street... google says at end of street do a U-turn... *Like WTF google*... then google says to follow the road back on to the highway and continue driving in the direction that I was headed in before google told me get off the highway... Fuck you very much google... Fuck you very much...
World's most amazing chips shack could have been at the end of that U-turn. cn

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I have GPS and it's interfaced with the auto pilot on the boat, but I still have a sextant and know how to use it!!!