People bein assholes


Well-Known Member
By the way Medicine Man is no newbie to this site,

He could have easily searched for the word bleach, and found out that he shouldnt give it to his plant.

And no, we are not all assholes, just a bit sarcastic towards people who should know better. I hope you dont leave this site because it's a good one.



Well-Known Member
Theres arseholes everywhere, if you left everything because of them everytime, you wouldnt leave the house, people will continue to say things you dont like just try your best not to let it bother you and have the occasional blow out once in a while but should stay and come on there are things you can still get out of this site.


Well-Known Member
now they deleted the thread so that noone would see the posts that were put up!!!!!!!!!!!! (by potroast) what does this really tell you??????


Well-Known Member
Probably because of the title and the nature of the information within. It is a well known fact that the idea of using bleach on your plants is bad. I believe someone put that rumor out there purposly in an attempt to make people fry their plants. Chances are Potroast is trying to keep the site free of that potentially dangerous rumor (I've heard the bleach when germinating one personally and even I know thats a bad idea.)


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying. It is wrong to make fun of someone for a mistake. People make mistakes dont dog on them too badly for that. I know there are a few people on here that really need a swift ass kicking. If I could reach through the computer believe me I would.

By leaving you will have done nothing but make them happy. Better to stick around and be a thorn in their side.

If anyone has the time to dog on someone you better fucking also have a constructive comment to go along with it. Dont be a little 12yr old girl and poke fun at someone without telling them what they did wrong and how they can avoid it in the past.

This is a cannabis community not a pissing contest.


Well-Known Member
so i have been working for loike 4 hours straigjt meeting status and some actually bleched a plant? (dumbass)

you wann leave for some stupid reason ... (wtf ? why your dying>>>?)

and med cant distinguish from sarcasm..... so med the internet democratic resource guide actually did some goofy ass thing like put corosive subtances on a living plant..... seriously now what did i miss,..?

oh yeah YOU GO NO WhERE


Well-Known Member
hey dank, what u missed was the private message that potroast sent me... but it was totally expected by me, after seeing the posts by him that were in that thread, so it didnt suprise me one bit, but I would have never thought to hear or see those words from a mod..... rollitup has a copy of it though!:roll: oops


Well-Known Member
lol i never read the thread..

i am too high to proofread anything properly, but i got anefficincy award yesterday and am up for a raise, considering i spend all my time here when i am at work?! GO FIGURE!

as for all this nonsense what'd you do tell em to bleach em if hewants like planting roaches was goingto bloom into somthing other than amoldy mess?


New Member
If bleach is bad and potroast told you this you should listen to his words. I imagine he would have tried the nice approach first.

Anyway, it's good fun being an asshole. I'm comfortable mentally and physically. It's also good to get/give a kicking now and again, makes you feel alive.


Well-Known Member
no, Im not gonna leave, you know why? why? because.....

1. I actually like this type of shit when Im... RIGHT

2. I think its funny that he would wrather be a teenager and make someone feel stupid instead of being a moderator and helping

3. Moderators are here to help and keep this crazy ass place in line, and if they cant accomplish that as of right now, maybe I have somethin to look forward to down the road.

thats all folks, if u wanna ask me about what happened, pm me and I will be glad to share the news..... because that thread was DELETED!! its like a coverup!! crazy!!