People bein assholes


Well-Known Member
Like he said grow up, stop tryin to nitpick him.... why cant to just leave it, your like a girl yourself graf getting in the last word...
like you said you're 22... your not that old man, i dont like people who do what they please.... disrespect everyone else... well im only 18 turning 19 but i do know to respect my elders, and to respect other peoples opinions, i do what i want, but i take consideration of what others think/want.... i have friends who "Do what they please" they get my my nerves because they do what they please, and dont even notice the little things i do to make them have a better day... IM going to jail because i went along with what other people wanted to do... and im paying two of my old friends a visit, going to bitch at the one, and beat the shit out of the other...


Well-Known Member
Like he said grow up, stop tryin to nitpick him.... why cant to just leave it, your like a girl yourself graf getting in the last word...
like you said you're 22... your not that old man, i dont like people who do what they please.... disrespect everyone else... well im only 18 turning 19 but i do know to respect my elders, and to respect other peoples opinions, i do what i want, but i take consideration of what others think/want.... i have friends who "Do what they please" they get my my nerves because they do what they please, and dont even notice the little things i do to make them have a better day... IM going to jail because i went along with what other people wanted to do... and im paying two of my old friends a visit, going to bitch at the one, and beat the shit out of the other...

paddle lock in a pillow case? your a rocker dude!!:peace: :joint: :joint:


New Member
Like he said grow up, stop tryin to nitpick him.... why cant to just leave it, your like a girl yourself graf getting in the last word...
like you said you're 22... your not that old man, i dont like people who do what they please.... disrespect everyone else... well im only 18 turning 19 but i do know to respect my elders, and to respect other peoples opinions, i do what i want, but i take consideration of what others think/want.... i have friends who "Do what they please" they get my my nerves because they do what they please, and dont even notice the little things i do to make them have a better day... IM going to jail because i went along with what other people wanted to do... and im paying two of my old friends a visit, going to bitch at the one, and beat the shit out of the other...
You going to the bighouse? How long you looking? Make sure to take a couple of ounces in with you. Helps you get through that crucial first week.


Well-Known Member
haha well not to long only like 3-10 weeks im not sure yet i find out monday tho...

fdd buddy whats a paddle lock in a pillow case? haha


Well-Known Member
my friend, I wish u knew a little more about the situation b4 you add your 2cents, its been taken care of, over with, finnished, get it yet??

nitpick this nitpick that YOU are NITPICKING me right now so chill bro...
didnt u and I just have a normal convo. a little while ago??? why did u not bring this up then?? Im guessing you feel more superior if you call someone out on the boards, well thats fine with me!!! thanks, and have a wonderful day!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have no problems w/ anyone here, so please, if you need to bitch at me about somethin, pm me cuz Im sick of the fuckin hatred towards others, I said I apologize once, twice, now three fuckin times, for real, If I hurt you or caused any trouble, I apologize, okay?? If u need to, just pm me, I have no problem talking p2p but this shit is gettin rediculous..


Well-Known Member
GraF, I have no problem with you either man, you seem to take offence to words like i do. What i said is just Leave it, respect your elders lisen to them... they know more then you... when your 30-40+ then do what you want you're old you've lived life you dont have to lisen to enyone unless you want to... Even if you go to school for 10 years... People older then you are going to know more then you do.. doesent matter how much school you have done.. longer you live the more information retained. i did not want to start a fight with you by posting my last comment...
for if you read it, i did not insult you. im sorry for offending you buddy, but thats not what i wanted to do.


Well-Known Member
thats like a break off point, you're YOUNG untill you're 30 then you're adult, when you're 50 your getting OLD. not 30-40 what am i smoking? but you know what i mean dont ya?


Well-Known Member
y do u get into an argument with somebody in like every thread i read? you need to smoke more weed man it doesn't seem like it's working for you.


Well-Known Member
kush lol man stfu wheres your proof i argue with evey person? you dont have eny lol... cause thats a false statement, just because you had a vicion attack and flipped because i was saying the drug you are trying to sell is bad for people.. you had a hissy fit about it... so why dont you just stfu and not post enymore... cause from what i can tell is you're still a lil upset:( well its ok go pop like 20 vic you'll be fine.

you know i never had a problem with you before... but i kinda have one now, BUT i dont like having enemies, or people i dont like and on forums i really dont like that... i know you dont take VIC i was just joking dude, but selling them... what i said in your thread is my personal opinion, and like i said you're getting mad over a topic that doesent even have enything to do with WEED. so why the fuck would you bring it up in the forums here enyway...

all i said to you to get you mad in there before was that i dont like people selling drugs that get people hooked, MY BEST FRIENDS MOM IS HOOKED, and a friend of mine is hooked too......... its not cool to do or sell...

now get over you're problems with me, because its a fucking forum i dont argue with everyone, just people who make smart comments when i try to direct them in the right way. they get offend and it ends up in arguement...
and there is a thing called constructive cridisim... people dont know how to handle it... ive been around it since i was 3... my parents are very blunt, im a blunt person... people think im being an ass, when im not if i was being an ass it would be more around this....


when i am trying to insult a person, i will do it straight up. but i did not do that to you untill you freaked,
do you think every swear word that comes out of peoples mouths are directed towards you?

and this is a public forum, i post alot so fucking what, ive been home sick so what else am i going to do? its -10 to -30 out here sometimes, i will just get sicker... now i do not want enymore problems with you kush, when you 1st came here i had no problem with you...

You took offence to quickly... bla bla things got out of whack...
dont look for shit i post on and nitpick man... are you a girl? or a child? cause thats what they do...

just chill


Well-Known Member
bahahahahaha!!! this thread is halarious. thats so funny that medicineman put bleach on a plant too id never thought he would try that.. but then again why would u soak seeks in something toxic like cholcicine who would've thought it would create polyploids of some and kill others.

this site has its ups and downs but the drama here is a lot more funny than shit i read on other sites (when im looking for the technical crap)

on cannabis-world they're having this really fucked up feud with reeferman seeds but they took it to a whole new level. people stealing weed / posting up peoples real names / someone hacked reefman's site its a riot! i'd have posted somethig about it but the thread was closed.

i was about to try feeding my plants colloidal (no, ionic) silver until i found it in an experiment project that it is being used for sex reversal.

so in summary, thanks for proving that bleach really does bleach plants, and fdd i have some chronic roaches growing right now thanks to u. i made them veg quicker by taking them out of the paper and emerging them in unflavored gelatin as a soilless mixture.

im about to foilar feed one of my babies a mix of dmt in water. any ideas to what might happen? i have another seed germinating right now thats been in a jar of dmt for nearly a year. wonder what will come of it.


Well-Known Member
kush lol man stfu wheres your proof i argue with evey person? you dont have eny lol... cause thats a false statement, just because you had a vicion attack and flipped because i was saying the drug you are trying to sell is bad for people.. you had a hissy fit about it... so why dont you just stfu and not post enymore... cause from what i can tell is you're still a lil upset:( well its ok go pop like 20 vic you'll be fine.

you know i never had a problem with you before... but i kinda have one now, BUT i dont like having enemies, or people i dont like and on forums i really dont like that... i know you dont take VIC i was just joking dude, but selling them... what i said in your thread is my personal opinion, and like i said you're getting mad over a topic that doesent even have enything to do with WEED. so why the fuck would you bring it up in the forums here enyway...

all i said to you to get you mad in there before was that i dont like people selling drugs that get people hooked, MY BEST FRIENDS MOM IS HOOKED, and a friend of mine is hooked too......... its not cool to do or sell...

now get over you're problems with me, because its a fucking forum i dont argue with everyone, just people who make smart comments when i try to direct them in the right way. they get offend and it ends up in arguement...
and there is a thing called constructive cridisim... people dont know how to handle it... ive been around it since i was 3... my parents are very blunt, im a blunt person... people think im being an ass, when im not if i was being an ass it would be more around this....


when i am trying to insult a person, i will do it straight up. but i did not do that to you untill you freaked,
do you think every swear word that comes out of peoples mouths are directed towards you?

and this is a public forum, i post alot so fucking what, ive been home sick so what else am i going to do? its -10 to -30 out here sometimes, i will just get sicker... now i do not want enymore problems with you kush, when you 1st came here i had no problem with you...

You took offence to quickly... bla bla things got out of whack...
dont look for shit i post on and nitpick man... are you a girl? or a child? cause thats what they do...

just chill
alright i quit reading after the 2nd paragraph...but i don't have a problem w/ u it was just something i noticed, not including the argument we had... i may be completely wrong tho


Well-Known Member
bahahahahaha!!! this thread is halarious. thats so funny that medicineman put bleach on a plant too id never thought he would try that.. but then again why would u soak seeks in something toxic like cholcicine who would've thought it would create polyploids of some and kill others.

this site has its ups and downs but the drama here is a lot more funny than shit i read on other sites (when im looking for the technical crap)

on cannabis-world they're having this really fucked up feud with reeferman seeds but they took it to a whole new level. people stealing weed / posting up peoples real names / someone hacked reefman's site its a riot! i'd have posted somethig about it but the thread was closed.

i was about to try feeding my plants colloidal (no, ionic) silver until i found it in an experiment project that it is being used for sex reversal.

so in summary, thanks for proving that bleach really does bleach plants, and fdd i have some chronic roaches growing right now thanks to u. i made them veg quicker by taking them out of the paper and emerging them in unflavored gelatin as a soilless mixture.

im about to foilar feed one of my babies a mix of dmt in water. any ideas to what might happen? i have another seed germinating right now thats been in a jar of dmt for nearly a year. wonder what will come of it.

gelatin, i just heard that somewhere. was it here?


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