People from Massachusetts! Contact your government!


Well-Known Member
Attention people of Massachusetts. Your government will be voting tomorrow on the legalization and taxation of marijuana. Please contact your government and let them know that you support these bills. It's very easy, you go to the NORML link below and put in your name, address, and email address in there and it sends it to the right people. And don't give me that bullshit about you might get busted because you gave your name and address! They need your name and address so they know you're a citizen of the state and not some pro-marijuana group making up names for "votes". You may not get this opportunity again for a long time so it.

Here's the link-



Well-Known Member
i did it 2 days ago

i hope mass adopt policies similar to California's. ive been planning a move to calli as soon as i have a few tho saved up, but if hb2929 passes i wont have to move. i might anyways, because the climate is way better out there

good looks telling the people of RIU, (+reps to you) but it might have been better to do it last week or something


Active Member
wish i did live where it was legal or bout to be my state will end up being one of last ones to go green... good luck to yall

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Thanks for telling me kaleo
just sent my info and the page to everyone on my e-mail book

cant wait for the good news
with the recent whopping 65% of mass voting on question #2
im pretty sure they will have no problem about this bill

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hope that works out for you Mass. folks. Living in CA is a "Dream" these days, it's honest to God wide open out here now, very much like the prohibition days of the "20's". Yeah, you can get busted if you get TOO outrageous, but an awful lot of good medicine is getting to thousands of patients. Good luck & good grow.....BB


Sent an email for me, and one for my borther just now. posted up on my FB status and will bump it up throughout the night.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
bumping this, we only have tonight to get as many emails sent out
i did all i could and sent to the 300 email addresses i have in my address book and all my buddies on aim
wait FUCK!
i forgot its only for mass!
goddamn it!
that makes 125/300 that can actually do something about it:-|:-|