People that own cats grow better weed

Hey, I use to feel sorry for these birds. Oh my goodness... Poor little things.

Then I watched how she was catching them. Since she's black. She sticks out in the green grass like a black blob of death.

These stupid ass birds will land in a patch of thick grass. The damn cat doesn't even have to pounce. All she does is swat these idiot birds out the air. Like I'd swat flies. I'm serious, these F'ing birds are stupid. Why would a bird land two feet from a fat black cat. Hell bent on F'ing them up???

I stopped feeling bad for the brain damaged birds really quick.

Have Fun, Kitty Kitty. Thin out the gene pool.
Birds don't see color. Just lines/shading.
Cats are cool. And I found a cool way to recycle all them kitty litter buckets...I saved kitty litter buckets for six I have about twenty of them and find all kinds of uses for them.
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My wife would ask me what I was gonna do with all the
I use a couple for holding dogfood/catfood. Gotta love the pot plant pot use.