I wasnt one, but i could have understood Never Hillary people a bit more had the race not been against trump. I was indeed a Hillary supporter in the general and proud i was, i was adametly bernie in primary.
I dont think Secretary Clinton was ever perfect candidate by any means, but most reasons ppl hate her is proovably false stories ginned up by alt right media...
And i mean this as seriously as i do passionatly as i also mean it for meaningful discussion.
Against anyone else maybe understandable if you leaned right anyway, but i would have voted for her if every alex jones lie were true over mr trump. Politics aside he showed himself as insecure, tempermental, undignified in anyway, completly self absorbed to an intensity level i dont think anyone can rival. He showed complete lack of depth, his policy positions were a few bullet points, his basic concept of world afairs seemed gradeschool at best, he blatantly lied basic demonstratable falsehoods (he was a lead birther after all) and he slimed around positions slipprier than a career politician and flipper flopped with conti ual vagety ...
If you arent a true die hard trumper that buys everything hes ever said how oh how could you voted for him? I do not mean to be an ass but there isnt a cell in my body that can understand that... to me, he seems like and always has such an obvious conman who cannot be trusted w our arsenal... i would have voted for damn near anyone over him.
The man is tearing the fabric of our republic every day he is in there with his laundry list of incompetent idealougues as some of his closest folks!
Oh and you got Jefferson Boulreguard Sessions as your AG!
How if all of the BS about her was true could she have been worse than this??? Please help me understand