Well-Known Member
Ah but you are 100% ignorant. You win. Why don't you print out an achievement award?You're absolutely right, a majority of the 85% are ignorant.
Ah but you are 100% ignorant. You win. Why don't you print out an achievement award?You're absolutely right, a majority of the 85% are ignorant.
I miss the good old days when shithead racists weren't afraid to admit they're racist. Today's racist is a simpering coward. Nothing but dog whistles like "think they are owed entitlements" and "play the race card". Good gawd, you're a yellow fcktard.most likely were not brought up to think they are owed entitlements and use the race card.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend? They love the fact that liberals despise Trump to the max. Even his supporters know he's a liar. Examples are everywhere -- on video! Deception is a reflex for him.I keep wondering
how in the world does this guy have 35% support
are there really that many people in this country that think this way? im totally amazed
that's 3 to 4 people out of 10
I find that incredible
it was already incredible that he got support in the first place, but now after all this time and all these fuck ups he still has support
im actually a social person by nature, but I find myself becoming more and more anti social because of politics
if you voted for trump and have buyers remorse, I can forgive you for having a lapse in judgment no matter how ignorant..... but to still support him after all that's come out, I cant get pasted that!
to those who still beating the I hate Hillary drum
give me a fucking break, if even half what the said was true she would still be a better option than trump and Ray Charles could see that
ya ok I get thatTrump gets his news and world views from the same place as most of his voters. I would expect his followers to be the same. Duh
As an old man who has worked for several of the top 10 businesses for many years I have seen very few blacks in the electronics field. But I have worked with many racists. I just listen. It's good to know who you can trust. After retirement I have stayed in contact with 2 ex techs I worked with. One black and one white. The only two I would trust with my life.When white Americans were asked if African Americans experience a lot of discrimination in the US, half said no. Among evangelical Christians, 60% said "no". *
When African Americans were asked, 85% said yes. I'm wondering what is wrong with the 15%. But whatever.
Younger people, people who have gone to college, women all have higher awareness of prejudice. White men answered "no" prejudice 57% of the time.
There are a lot people who deny racism exists even though objective evidence says it does. Most definitely.
The only answer is to improve education. Even then, education only increase the number with higher awareness by about 10%-15%. I think you are on to something when you mention tribal awareness. Also, people don't want to consider the fact that they have it better due to an accident of birth. Usually, they are in fact not doing all that well. They want to tell you about their hardships. I can't help but wonder about these people. If they can't succeed with all the privilege, imagine how dire their situation would be in the face of systematic prejudice?
*This from a Public Religion Research Institute survey published 6/21/17
Publicly opposing abortion earned Trump one of the tickets needed to get a seat at the conservative mad hatters tea party. Christian evangelicals even talk of their faith being "under siege" and "Trump fights for us. Jimmy Carter who was one of us didn't"people a fucking stupid and the politicians count on it
take abortion for example;
trump will stand up and say hes against abortion just because he knows a large % of people will vote for him just on the one issue
he could rape the pope in the ass on public tv and they'll still vote for him cuz hes the candidate who claims to be against abortion (even if hes not)
that's why he said that shit about punishing woman ....
maybe your against abortion , maybe your not!
but heres the thing... I don't matter which mother fucker you vote for, they aint changing the law so stop letting them manipulate you with it
There goes the devil again. Using those tools. He has a workshop. The devil's workshop. I simply must laugh at these fools.“The devil is using his tools to keep us out of the public square.”
stop staring at me im trying to masturbate
I know its a sin, but the bad ones made me do it
It is happening everywhere... I live in a very conservative area. Its always been an unwritten rule socially that its not talking politics in public if its a slam against liberals, but I was the one being a dick if I even defended a stance. I've always somewhat let that happen except maybe right during elections. Well no fucking more! I am not silent anymore when it gets mentioned I don't hold back. But I try keeping my cool and use reason, as we must win back the hearts and minds...Half of my relatives voted for Trump. It's weird.
I can resist the urge to post political stuff on facebook, but I have a hard time reading breitbart BS from my brother-in-law without saying something. Usually what I have to say isn't very nice.
This is a guy who criticized Obama every time he played golf or took a vacation, but now it's peachy.
I've known him for 30 years and now I'm really starting to dislike him.
It is sad.
Lost my best friend from high school the same way about five years ago. We were like Beavis & Butthead back in the day -- and now we don't speak.
I don't like what is happening in my own little world, and I get the feeling this is happening everywhere.![]()
100% agree with thatif you voted for trump and have buyers remorse, I can forgive you for having a lapse in judgment no matter how ignorant..... but to still support him after all that's come out, I cant get passed that!
I expect all people to respond to activites that promote their own self interest. Dems earned the vote of minorities through action. blacks aren't tethered to any affiliation. Trump's maga slogan itself refers to racist nostalgia. He draws about zero blacks because of his appalling history of racism, his support for racist organizations, his fear of alienating his core supporters who are plainly motivated by white power ideology.How isn't it? A minimum of 90% of Blacks whom make up only 13% of the population don't vote republican so how many do you actually expect to show up?
The blind faith element I beleive is that trump was able to manipulate masses in a religous like fervor. I once during campaign read an article i searched for on cult leaders, it was a non political article written before the campaign begun from phycology today. It listed 50 signs of a cult leader and in my opinion he fit 48 of them. These people have a skill or knack to pull people into their spell.Ya in my close family we have no trump supporters but weve got some racists.
With the trump blind faith phenomenon i think it has to do with some primal, tribal race factors. Like limbic level need to prove ole bone spurs is gonna out perform black dude obama. A lil like McCracker vs. Mayweather. They arent in the same sport, same league or same class.
Its also pitiable since trump is hobbled by isolation, privilege and psychological afflictions. He`s outclassed by obama along most any metric. Still i wonder if a deep seated dread and refusal to accept reality inactivates doubt, skepticism, critical thought.